Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:




WARD NAME                                                  Okehampton North

APPLICATION NUMBER                                  0321/20/OPA

LOCATION                                                      "Land at SX 571 979", North of Brandize Cottage, Folly Gate

DEVELOPMENT                                              READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plan   


Outline application with all matters reserved for 10 new houses (6 local needs housing market and 4 open market)




*DM&L 32        

The Committee proceeded to consider the application(s) that had been prepared by the Development Management Specialists and considered also the comments of the Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below, and RESOLVED that:


(a)    Application No: 0321/20/OPA                Ward: Okehampton North


Site Address: Land at SX 571 979, North of Brandize Cottage, Folly Gate EX20 3AQ


Outline application with all matters reserved for 10 new houses (6 local needs housing market and 4 open market)


Speakers included:


Supporter – Mrs Seale (statement read on her behalf);

Objector – Mr Henderson;

Parish Council Representative – Cllr Piddington; and

Local Ward Member – Cllr Leech;


RECOMMENDATION: Delegated Authority to the Head of Development Management to approve the application, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement with the following Heads of Terms:


-          60% affordable housing, this scheme will provide for 6 open market discount houses for local people and restricted through a local connection clause. The tenure will be secured through legal agreement and provide at a 20% discount on the open market sale price;

-          £21,771 towards village hall, sports and recreation. This will be spent on supporting the refurbishment of the Folly Gate Village Hall;

-          £95,538 towards local education including primary school at Okehampton, St James C of E Primary School and Okehampton College as well as school transport;

-          £5,000 towards a traffic regulation order for the imposition and installation of an extended 30 m.p.h. speed limit; and

-          Access and maintenance of the onsite open space.


During discussion, the following points were raised:


(a)     In the event of the application being approved, a request was made for an officer to visit the site and undertaken an inspection of the mature oak trees that were located within close proximity to the application site;


(b)     Some Members expressed their concerns over the application that could be summarised as:


o   There being extensive local opposition to the proposals and the local Parish Council was also not supportive of the application;

o   The lack of any social rented housing within the proposals was considered to be disappointing;

o   The proposals were felt to constitute an unsustainable form of development since Folly Gate did not have reasonable access to a vibrant mixed use centre that met the daily community needs for local services.  In addition, the point was made that residents required the use of a motor vehicle in order to be able to access services;

o   There being no justification for double the number of houses being developed to that set out in the adopted Joint Local Plan for Folly Gate;

o   The application would comprise built development in an unbuilt area; and

o   The proposals would be contrary to Policies TTV 25 and TTV 27.


(c)     In contrast, another Member emphasised the need for affordable housing in the Borough and expressed the view that it was highly unlikely that, in the near future, any other similar schemes would be brought forward within the parish of Folly Gate.


COMMITTEE DECISION: That the planning application be refused, with delegated authority being given to the Head of Development Management, in consultation with the Committee Chairman, Committee Vice Chairman and Proposer (Cllr Mott), to finalise the reasons for the refusal.


Supporting documents: