Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:


WARD NAME                                                  Okehampton North                          

APPLICATION NUMBER                                  1726/20/ARM

LOCATION                                                      Land to East of Crediton Road", North of Kellands Lane, Okehampton

DEVELOPMENT                                              READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Uploaded) Approval of reserved matters



WARD NAME                                                  Hatherleigh   

APPLICATION NUMBER                                  0629/20/ARM

LOCATION                                                      "Biddicombe", 31 Park Road, Hatherleigh, EX20 3JS

DEVELOPMENT                                              Approval of reserved matters

following outline approval reference 1635/18/OPA



*DM&L 24        

The Committee proceeded to consider the applications that had been prepared by the Development Management Specialists and considered also the comments of the Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below, and RESOLVED that:


(a)           Application No: 1726/20/FUL                Ward: Okehampton North                                                 


              Site Address: Land to East of Crediton Road, North of Kellands

                                      Lane, Okehampton



              READVERTISMENT (Revised Plans Uploaded) Approval of reserved



Speakers included:

Supporter (Agent) – Ben Jobson

Local Ward Member- Cllr Tony Leech


RECOMMENDATION: Delegated Authority to Head of Development Management to approve the application, subject to completion of acceptable Deed of Variation to the S106 Agreement and resolution of the outstanding issues identified in the open space, sport and                     recreation and landscape Sections of this report. If the deed of variation                    is not completed or substantial progress is not made within 6 months of                     this resolution authority is granted to the Head of Development Management to refuse the application in consultation with the Chair of Committee and Ward Members.


During discussion, concern was raised about the play area being close to the link road.  It was confirmed that there was a tree belt but also the play area would be set down slightly to prevent access to the road.  Flood risk was also raised as a cause of concern and the officer assured Members that issues had been satisfactorily addressed.


The Highways Officer confirmed the speed limit would be 30mph and, in replying to a Member, stated that a 20mph would not be suitable as it formed the function of a link road and feeder road.


It was confirmed that the only change proposed to the Section 106 Agreement was the route of the link road.


              COMMITTEE DECISION: Delegated Authority to Head of Development

               Management to approve with the following conditions:


1.      Standard Reserved Matters time limit;

2.      Adherence to plans including revised Flood Risk Assessment (FRA);

3.      Render colours as submitted and biocide treatment unless otherwise agreed in writing by LPA;

4.      Adherence to Tree and Hedge Protection plan contained in 0931-AMS-AE Sept 2020;

5.      Trigger for landscape scheme implementation and replacement if necessary for 5 years;

6.      Private Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCP) implementation in all units with on-plot parking;

7.      4 parking spaces provided and serviced with the below ground cabling and capacity infrastructure to provide 4 fast public charge points;

8.      Prior to the occupation of the 110th dwelling to provide a management and operation plan to the LPA for the public fast charge EV points;

9.      Bricks for facing on boundary wall shall be lbstock multi;

10.   Notwithstanding the Permitted developer order, no additional windows in SW elevations on plots 220,216, 215 and 182;

11.   SW windows of 215 to be obscure glazed to w/c and bathroom, 216 ground floor w/c to be obscure glazed; and

12.   Details of a development specific ‘Biodiversity Residents Pack’ and a copy of this to be made available to each new resident upon first occupation.



(b)              Application No: 0629/20/ARM                Ward: Hatherleigh


Site Address: “Biddicombe” 31 Park Road, Hatherleigh, EX20 3JS


Approval of reserved matters following outline approval reference 1635/18/OPA


Speakers included:

Objector – Mr Kevin Watts

Agent – Mr Jamie Tingle


RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions:


1.      Accord with plans;

2.      Materials to be submitted and approved;

3.      Permeable paving for access roads and driveways to be submitted;

4.      Detailed design of the visibility splay;

5.      The cladding to be applied to the dwelling shall be timber only;

6.      No external light;

7.      Construction management plan;

8.      Unsuspected contamination; and

9.      Details of proposed hedgerows and protection of planting gabion baskets and planting proposals for them.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and provided Members with an update following a letter of representation stating that there were some inaccuracies within the report. During their introduction, the Planning Officer:


·           confirmed that the reference to the Conservation Area in the planning report should have been south and west and not east;

·           included a series of views from Jubilee Walk which she identified as having been a previous concern;

·           added to the summary of representations including:

o    addressing the viability of the hedgerow when it became incorporated into the curtilage of a residential development and suggested that a condition should be imposed regarding the management of the hedgerow;

o    considering parking provision and whether it would be sufficient if the dwellings were used as four bedrooms and concluded that it would;

o    explaining why it was not the Council’s usual practice of naming the construction company in reports;

·           accepted that she had mixed up Hatherleigh Town Council’s comments on outline with those on reserved matters approval and clarified exactly what the Town Council’s comments were on the proposal being considered;

·           advised the Committee on the proposed changes in height of the dwellings since the original submission on the application, in particular for Plot 1. She said that the footprint was now the same for both plots, and the original footprint for plot 1 had been smaller, but the height of plot 1 originally had been 8 meters from ground level, because of its steeper pitched roof. Therefore both plot heights had been reduced from the original submission.  The revised plot 1 height was 7.1 meters from ground level; 

·           clarified that the hedge had recently been trimmed and so the hedge height had been reduced in recent weeks;

·           clarified that the visibility splay would be considered more fully in presentation.


COMMITTEE DECISION: Approval subject to conditions above with the addition of a condition to ensure the current hedgerow is kept to a specified height within a detailed management plan.


Also additional conditions for a parking plan and for installing electric charging points. The wording to be confirmed by the Head of Development Management with consultation with the Chairman & Vice-Chairman of the Development Management & Licensing Committee.


Supporting documents: