Agenda item

Task and Finish Group updates (if any)

(a)  Dartmouth Lower Ferry; (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert)

(b)  Partnerships; (Lead Executive Member - Cllr Ward)

(c)  Waste and Recycling;(Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert)

(d)  Events Policy; (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert) and

(e)  Permits Review (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert)






(a)   Dartmouth Lower Ferry


The Chairman advised that it was still intended that an outcome report would be presented to the Panel in the New Year.


(b)  Partnerships


The Panel considered the final recommendations arising from the Task and Finish Group in relation to South Hams Citizens Advice (CA) and South Hams Community Voluntary Sector (CVS).

In introducing the report, the Chairman advised that this project had been an immense and arduous piece of work.  In thanking the hard work that had been undertaken by the Task and Finish Group and lead officers, the Chairman confirmed that this was the final strand of this review.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)  closer working opportunities.  Whilst some Members wised to make the point that CA and CVS were distinctly separate organisations, there were considered to be opportunities for them to work more closely together to be more efficient and avoid duplication of effort;


(b)  the community work undertaken.  The Panel recognised that both organisations carried out tremendous work in the community and offered significant support to the Council;


(c)  the role of the Council.  To be fair to both organisations, Members acknowledged that the Council needed to ascertain a better understanding of its own needs that could have an effect on the CA and/or CVS (e.g. the Health and Wellbeing agenda and outreach services);


(d)  the recommendations.  In expressing their support, Members considered the Task and Finish Group recommendations to be fair and reasonable at this time;


(e)  residents accessing services from Plymouth CA.  Having been informed that an agreement had been reached whereby residents living at the western end of the district could now use the Plymouth CA services, some frustrations were expressed that neither local ward Members nor parish councils had been made aware of this change.


It was then:




That the Executive be RECOMMENDED that:-


1.      the funding levels remain the same for the South Hams Citizens Advice and South Hams Community Voluntary Service for 2017/18; and

2.      approval be given to the proposed caveats with the South Hams Community Voluntary Service (as outlined at paragraph 5 of the presented agenda report).


(c)       Waste and Recycling


In providing an update, the lead Executive Member for Commercial Services advised of the intention for a fully detailed report to be presented to the next Panel meeting.


(d)      Events Policy


The Group Chairman advised the Panel that work was ongoing on this review.


(e)       Permits Review


Members considered a report that sought the approval of Council to make amendments to South Hams parking permits, as considered and endorsed by the Permits Task and Finish Group.


In discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)  Members were of the view that the Task and Finish Group had completed an excellent review and the recommendations were considered to amount to a positive way forward;


(b)  A Member reiterated his previously raised view that charges should be imposed for parking at Follaton House.  In reply, officers informed that this had been considered and due for reasons including: the contractual arrangements with tenants, the detrimental impact on staff morale and the knock-on effect on neighbouring roads, it had been concluded that it would not be appropriate to impose charging at Follaton House.  Furthermore, the Leader felt that this issue had continually arisen over a number of years and he hoped that the Council could now move on from spending any more time and effort considering this proposal.

It was then:




That the Executive RECOMMEND to Council that, following the work undertaken by the Permits Task and Finish Group, the parking permits available in the South Hams be amended and that the Off-Street Parking Places Order be amended as follows:


-     Full and Commuter permits to be eliminated and                              replaced with Town Centre, Peripheral and Rural                               permits which will be limited to specific towns / villages.                The cost of permits to be reduced to reflect the new                              restrictions, with the exception of Business Permits;

-     Permits to become ‘virtual’ (i.e. customers will no longer                  receive a paper permit), with the exception of Business                Permits;

-     New permits be limited to one vehicle registration                             number only, with the exception of Business Permits;

-     The availability of permits be limited to 10% of the total                                number of parking bays available for each category of                               permit;

-     Permits currently issued free of charge to various                            organisations be ceased;

-     Other permits which are not used often will be                                              eliminated (as outlined at Paragraph 5.6 of the                                      presented agenda report);

-     The Residents’ Parking permit to be extended to allow                                 parking from 3.00pm to 10.00am, with an increase in                          cost to £40, with this amendment being reviewed after                              one year;

-     The cost of permits to be as outlined at Paragraph 5.8 of                 the presented agenda report; and

-     All leisure-related permits will be reviewed in partnership                  with the new leisure contractor, with the exception of                                     permits currently issued to Tone Leisure employees.







Supporting documents: