Agenda item

Fusion Lifestyle - Annual Report and Presentation


*O&S 83          

The Committee considered a report that presented an introduction to the Annual Report from Fusion Lifestyle on the management of all six Leisure Centres across the West Devon Borough and South Hams District.


In their ensuing presentation, the Fusion representatives focused on the following areas:


-        Capital Developments;

-        Cashless Implementation;

-        Key Performance Indicators;

-        Performance Update for 2019; and

-        2020 Vision and Continued Investment.


During the subsequent debate, the following points were raised:-


(a)    In line with the national trend, there was a recognition that the leisure centres in the Borough were aging buildings that would soon require some investment works to be carried out;


(b)    A Member questioned whether the proposals to instil a Concierge Reception would result in a reduction in staff.  In reply, the representatives informed that, whilst the proposals would not result in a net reduction of employees, it was likely to result in fewer staff being based in the Reception area.  The Committee was also assured that the existing disabled and pushchair access provision in the Reception areas would still be retained;


(c)    By way of an update on the moveable floor at Parklands Leisure Centre, the representatives informed that it had now been fully operational since November 2019 and an options paper had been drafted for future consideration.  In welcoming the update, local Ward Members asked to be kept informed on this matter;


(d)    With regard to comparable participation numbers between 2018 and 2019, Members welcomed the significant increase at Meadowlands Leisure Centre, but did question why there was only a minimal increase at Parklands Leisure Centre.  As an assurance, the representatives replied that the initial trends in 2020 were already suggesting an increase in the usage of the Gym and Studio facilities.  Furthermore, greater focus was now being given by Fusion to its programmes during school holidays and there was also added emphasis being applied to the promotion of the Centre Swim School;


(e)    The Committee was advised that its GP Exercise Referral Scheme was a particular priority area for Fusion.  Members welcomed this emphasis and requested a further Member Briefing be arranged to provide an opportunity for further consideration to be given to this matter;


(f)     As a general point, in the event of any Members having specific leisure service related issues or queries, then they were reminded to contact the Council’s Assets Specialist in the first instance;


(g)    A number of tributes were paid to the work of the Task and Finish Group in its recent review into the relationship between Fusion and its local communities.  Specifically in respect of the recommendations related to the cleanliness of the Centres, the representatives recognised that this was a challenge that required addressing.  By way of an update, the cleaning contractual arrangements were being reviewed and it was hoped that by 1 March 2020 an ongoing TUPE issue would be resolved thereby enabling this project to be progressed;


(h)    The Chairman of the Task and Finish Group wished to thank those Fusion staff who had been involved in the review.  The Member proceeded to make specific reference to the Council’s recently adopted Climate Change and Biodiversity Action Plan (Minute CM 51 refers) and her wish to see a detailed Plan on how Fusion envisaged reducing its reliance on the use of Fossil Fuels.  In response, the representatives advised of their intention to develop such a Plan during this year with a view to reporting it back to the Committee at its next Annual Update.  In addition, the representatives highlighted their organisational commitment to reduce their proportion of waste that was going to landfill and confirmed that they would provide further details outside of this Committee meeting;


(i)     In reply to some Member concerns over the Air Handling Unit at Meadowlands, the representatives provided an update and expressed their confidence that the two phases of work would result in the problem being resolved.


It was then:



That the Committee welcome the contents of the 2019 Annual Report and the proposals for 2020 and has made a number of comments as recorded in the minutes above.


Supporting documents: