Agenda item

Economy Working Group Recommendations

Report of the Group Manager – Business Development




O&S(I) 40      

The Committee considered a report that summarised the findings of the Economy Working Group.


The lead Hub Committee Member for the Economy provided a detailed introduction on the report and explained the justification for each of the nine recommendations made by the Working Group


In the subsequent discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)    In respect of the inevitable cost pressures arising from the proposal to increase the Council’s Establishment by virtue of employing a part-time Level 4 Economy Specialist, there was a general acceptance that this recommendation required more consideration prior to its presentation to the Hub Committee on 29 November 2016.  In particular, the principle of investigating a matrix type approach (e.g. where the economy work strand was the responsibility of a number of different officers) was felt to require greater consideration;


(b)    A number of Members expressed their opposition at the recommendation to reduce funding from Villages In Action (VIA) from £8,000 to £4,000.  In their opposition, these Members felt that VIA made an invaluable contribution to rural communities in the Borough and had a knock-on economic benefit.  In support of the Working Group recommendation to reduce funding, other Members were of the view that the proposal to increase the funding to Business Information Point would need to be funded from somewhere and economic vibrancy was considered to be more critical than maintaining the current level of funding for VIA.  When put to the vote, this part of the recommendation was declared LOST;


(c)    In stating the importance of supporting the voluntary sector, a Member also expressed her opposition to the proposal to reduce funding to South West Museum Development.  Such were the heritage, cultural and tourism benefits arising from Museums that the Member felt it would be a retrograde step to reduce their funding;


(d)    Widespread support was expressed at the recommendation to financially support the Youth Markets initiative;


(e)    As a general point, a Member stated his regret that the recommendations of the Working Group were not sufficiently focused on creating wealth or charging for Council services;


(f)     In paying tribute to the work undertaken by the Working Group, some Members were of the view that the profile of the Economy agenda had now been raised and a way forward suggested.  Therefore, it would be considered a great shame if the recommendation was not advanced to the Hub Committee on the basis of a lack of support for some relatively minor issues.


It was then RECOMMENDED to the Hub Committee that:


1.         the proposed Our Plan Annual Delivery Plan (as outlined at Appendix 1 to the presented agenda report) be adopted for the period to March 2018;

2.         funding be increased to Business Information Point for business support services from £8,340 in 2015/16 to £15,100 in 2016/17;

3.         funding be reduced to South West Museum Development from £2,000 in 2015/16 to £1,000 in 2016/17;

4.         the practice of the Council offering economy grants be ceased with immediate effect;

5.         the Youth Markets initiative be supported from 2016/17 with funding of £1,000;

6.         a part-time level 4 Economy Specialist be recruited to focus on the Council’s economy work.  Funding for this post in 2016/17 to be drawn from the Innovation Fund (Invest to Earn) Earmarked Reserve.  Ongoing funding for this role will be via the staffing establishment, which is to be increased for 2017/18 onwards;

7.         a West Devon Economy Working Group (comprising of 4 Members) be established; and

8.         this Working Group submit periodic reports to the Hub Committee.



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