Agenda item

A386 Transport Corridor/Tavistock Rail: Verbal Update following last Committee Meeting (Minute *O&S 26 refers)


*O&S 41          

The Head of Place Making Practice provided an update and made particular reference to:-


-        the costs breakdown.  The officer confirmed that he had now received the cost projections of reinstating a railway from Tavistock to Bere Alston and he would circulate these to all Members.  In addition, it was agreed that a copy of the referred to report on the benefits between a light and heavy rail solution in the area would be distributed to all Members;

-        the Economy Working Group lead Member for the A386 and Rail.  After the last Panel meeting, the officer had met with the assigned lead Member and it was agreed that a submission would be sent to the Department for Transport (DfT).  In the subsequent response, the DfT had signposted the Council back to Devon County Council (DCC) which indicated that this was seen as a local issue and there was no central government monies available for any alternative route to the Dawlish to Teignmouth rail line;

-        ensuring that the Council focused on what it could deliver and achieve during this administration.  In so doing, the importance of the Council giving consideration to its preferred options was stressed; and

-        an electric vehicle route along the A386 being a realistic long-term prospect.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-


(a)  The Chairman advised that a formal request had been made by a local resident called Mr Paul Mercer for a submission that he had made to be read out to the Committee meeting.  In his submission, Mr Mercer had stated that:


o    he had read with some dismay the last set of Committee minutes that had highlighted the cost projections of reinstating the Tavistock to Bere Alston link had now risen to £93 million;

o    it appeared that DCC had now seemingly no interest in reinstating the whole line to Exeter via Tavistock and Okehampton.  Mr Mercer was also of the view that the benefits of reinstating the Tavistock to Bere Alston link were minimal without it then carrying on to Okehampton;

o    he had concluded that the ‘Jacobs Report’ had downplayed the potential benefits and had overlooked the significant public support in this area;

o    the warnings of tidal rises due to global warming could have major implications on the Dawlish to Teignmouth line; and

o    it was his hope that no planning permission would be granted for development on or near the old rail line formation in case it was needed in the future;


(b)  Due to their concerns, the Committee reached the following conclusions:


-        That local Ward Members and Officers should keep lobbying both DCC and the DfT;

-        That a sub-group of the Economy Working Group be set up and solely tasked with considering the issue of the A386 / rail provision;

-        That the Head of Place Making Practice, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee, send a strongly worded representation to DCC colleagues outlining the concerns of Members; and

-        That the lead DCC Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Development and Waste be invited to attend the next Committee meeting on 19 November 2019 and respond to Member questions;


(c)   The Leader of Council highlighted correspondence that he had recently received from DCC colleagues.  Of particular note, the correspondence had stated that:


-        the current focus was on the Okehampton to Exeter line and it was felt that this could be seen as the first phase as part of the wider project; and

-        DCC remained conscious of the need to develop a sustainable solution between Tavistock and Plymouth and was committed to investigating all possible options.


(d)  The scale of the proposed future development and expansion of Tavistock was directly linked to improving the rail solution in the area.


It was then:




1.     That local Ward Members and Officers should keep lobbying both DCC and the DfT;

2.     That a sub-group of the Economy Working Group be set up and solely tasked with considering the issue of the A386 / rail provision;

3.     That the Head of Place Making Practice, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee, send a strongly worded representation to DCC colleagues outlining the concerns of Members; and

4.     That the lead DCC Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Development and Waste be invited to attend the next Committee meeting on 19 November 2019 and respond to Member questions.