Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the Applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Planning Reference number:



The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


a)     1430/19/FUL        Barn, Higher Easton Farm, St Anns Chapel

Parish:  Bigbury


Erection of 16 metal self-storage units as part of farm diversification scheme


Case Officer Update:               None


Speakers included:                   Supporter – Mrs Hazel Marshall:  Ward Member – Cllr Taylor


Recommendation:                  Refusal  


During discussion, a number of Members stated that this proposal satisfied a need, and the support of the Parish Council was also noted.


Committee Decision:     Conditional Approval, with the Head of DM Practice being given delegated authority, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee and the local Ward Member, to approve the final wording of the conditions.



The public benefit of the proposal outweighed the harm and the landscaping scheme would conserve and enhance the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in accordance with Policy DEV 25.



b)     1291/19/HHO       36 Above Town, Dartmouth

Parish:  Dartmouth


Householder application for rear extension and modifications (retrospective)


Case Officer Update:                None


Speakers included:                   Objector – Mr Gareth Roberts: Supporter – Mr Ciaran McClennon:  Town Council – Cllr Graham Evans: Ward Members Cllrs Hawkins and Rowe


Recommendation:                  Conditional Approval


Committee Decision:             Conditional Approval



Standard Time Limit

Accord with plans

Material samples to be submitted

No use of flat roof areas for amenity purposes

Non-opening windows/doors to west elevation

No insertion of new windows, doors or openings restriction

Use of obscure glass to window facing no. 34




c)     1548/19/OPA       Land adjoining Westerland Dale, Westerland, Marldon

Parish:  Marldon

Outline application (all matters reserved) for construction of a single storey dwelling with garage, and alterations to existing vehicular access


Case Officer Update:               None


Speakers included:                   Supporter – Mr Derek Webber:  Parish Council – Cllr Gordon Page: Ward Member – Cllr Pennington


Recommendation:                  Refusal


Committee Decision:             Refusal




d)     1386/19/OPA       Whiteoaks, Davids Lane, Filham

Parish:  Ugborough


Construction of 2no. residential dwellings on an infill site, formerly Whiteoaks camp site


Case Officer Update:               None      


Speakers included:                   Supporter – Mrs Rachel French:  Ward Member – Cllr Holway


Recommendation:                  Refusal


Members had a difficult debate on this application. The case officer outlined the Policy reasons for Refusal of the proposal.  Some Members argued the sustainability of the site, and that the site bordered an allocated site where permission for 200 houses had already been given.  However, the infrastructure to support the allocated site was not in place until that site was constructed, and therefore the proposal was contrary to policies within the JLP and the Ugborough Neighbourhood Plan.


Committee Decision:     Refusal



e)     0620/18/FUL        Borough Farm, East Allington

Parish:  East Allington


Provision of an agricultural workers dwelling


Case Officer Update:               None


Speakers included:                   Supporter – Mrs Amanda Burden:  Ward Member – Cllr Foss


Recommendation:                  Refusal


During discussion, a number of Members disagreed with the view of the agricultural consultant and felt that the applicant had demonstrated an agricultural need for an additional dwelling based on the stock levels at the farm.  Members also felt it was important to support rural businesses where possible.  The Head of DM Practice asked that approval be conditional and that conditions be agreed in consultation with the Committee Chairman and local Ward Member.


Committee Decision:     Conditional Approval, with the Head of DM Practice being given delegated authority, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee and the local Ward Member, to approve the final wording of the conditions.




Members had considered the evidence provided to them including stock levels and had considered the agricultural consultant’s report but had come to a different conclusion.



f)      2134/19/FUL        Cross Gardens, Onslow Road, Salcombe

Parish:  Salcombe

Erection of a monument to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of lifeboat based at Salcombe


Case Officer Update:               As the consultation period had not ended, the recommendation should be amended to take account of any further letters of representation received



Speakers included:                   Ward Member – Cllrs Long and Pearce (statement supplied)


Recommendation:                  Conditional Approval


Committee Decision:     Conditional Approval delegated to Head of Development Management Practice, subject to no additional material comments being made



1.      Time limit

2.      Accord with plans



g)     2132/19/FUL        The Quay, Car Park, Kingsbridge

Parish:  Kingsbridge

Proposed erection of monument


Case Officer Update:               As the consultation period had not ended, the recommendation should be amended to take account of any further letters of representation received; no objection from Kingsbridge Town Council


Speakers included:                   None


Recommendation:                  Conditional Approval


Committee Decision:             Conditional Approval delegated to Head of Development Management Practice, subject to no additional material comments being made



1.      Time limit

2.      Approved plans


Supporting documents: