Agenda item

To receive the Minutes of the following Committees, to note the delegated decisions and to consider the adoption of those Unstarred Minutes which require approval

(i)         Development Management and Licensing Committee

                        Meeting held on 4 June 2019                                                                        


            (ii)        Hub Committee

                        Meeting held on 4 June 2019


                        Unstarred Minutes to agree:


                        HC 07 Devon Housing Assistance Policy


That Council be RECOMMENDED that the existing 2018-19 Homes Assistance Policy be updated with the revised 2019-2021 Devon Housing Assistance Policy.


HC 08 Community Housing Delivery – Capital Requirements


That Council be RECOMMENDED:


1.    to approve Community Housing Development expenditure of up to £4.3 million to build out the first two Community Housing Schemes; delivering 29 residential units as set out in the presented agenda report;

2.    to approve funding of up to £4.3 million from a combination of internal borrowing and external borrowing (from the Public Works Loan Board);

3.    that specialist Treasury Management and legal advice be taken on the optimum way of financing the Community Housing schemes and the proposals outlined within the presented agenda report;

4.    to delegate authority to the Head of Assets Practice and the Section 151 Officer to approve associated long leaseholds and disposals, in consultation with the Leader of the Council.



Hub Committee

                        Meeting held on 16 July 2019                                     (Minutes to follow)


(iii)       Overview and Scrutiny Committee

                        Meeting held on 11 June 2019


                        Meeting held on 9 July 2019


                        Unstarred Minute to agree:


                        O&S 18 Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report


That Council be RECOMMENDED that the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2018/19 (as outlined at Appendix A of the agenda report presented to the Committee meeting) be approved.



(iv)       Audit Committee

                        Meeting held on 25 June 2019



a.    Development Management and Licensing Committee – 4 June 2019

It was moved by Cllr J Yelland, seconded by Cllr T G Pearce and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 4 June 2019 meeting be received and noted”.


b.    Hub Committee – 4 June 2019 and 16 July 2019

It was moved by Cllr N Jory, seconded by Cllr L Samuel and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 4 June 2019 and 16 July 2019 meetings be received and noted, with the exception of Unstarred Minutes HC 07, HC 08, HC 13, HC 14, HC 16 (parts 3 and 4 only), HC 17 and HC 19”.  With regard to Unstarred Minutes HC 13, HC 14 and HC 19, it was noted that these were to be considered later at this meeting (Minutes CM 25, CM 26 and CM 27 below refer).


In respect of the remaining Unstarred Minutes:


i.       HC 07 Devon Housing Assistance Policy

It was moved by Cllr N Jory, seconded by Cllr L Samuel and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the existing 2018-19 Homes Assistance Policy be updated with the revised 2019-21 Devon Housing Assistance Policy.”


ii.      HC 08 Community Housing Delivery

It was moved by Cllr N Jory, seconded by Cllr L Samuel and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that:


1.     Community Housing Development expenditure of up to £4.3 million be approved to build out the first two Community Housing Schemes thereby delivering 29 residential units;


2.     funding of up to £4.3 million be approved from a combination of internal borrowing and external borrowing (from the Public Works Loan Board);


3.    specialist Treasury Management and Legal advice be taken on the optimum way of financing the Community Housing schemes and the proposals outlined in the published agenda report that was presented to the Hub Committee meeting;


4.     authority be delegated to the Head of Assets Practice and the Section 151 Officer to approve associated long leaseholds and disposals, in consultation with the Leader of the Council.”


iii.   HC 16 Medium Term Financial Position for 2020/21 Onwards

It was moved by Cllr N Jory, seconded by Cllr L Samuel and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that:


1.     the Borough Council consults with all of the Town and Parish Councils within the Borough on the basis that the Borough Council is ‘minded to’ withdraw the Council Tax Support Grant from Town and Parish Councils with effect from 1 April 2020; and


2.     a capital budget provision be approved for remedial works to the Tavistock Viaduct with the budget provision being funded from usable capital receipts.


iv.   HC 17 Parking Order Amendments – Electrical Charging and Additional Parking in Okehampton

It was moved by Cllr N Jory, seconded by Cllr L Samuel and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that:


1.     the three areas in Okehampton (named: ‘North Road’, ‘Rear of Northfield Road’ and ‘Neville Road’) be added to the Off Street Parking Places Order so that the land may be protected for the future and so that enforcement may be undertaken; and


2.     the Off-Street Parking Places Order be amended to include reference to Electric Charging Points to thereby enable future provision and enforcement.”



c.    Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 11 June 2019 and 9 July 2019

It was moved by Cllr M V L Ewings, seconded by Cllr A Coulson and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 11 June 2019 and 9 July 2019 meetings be received and noted, with the exception of unstarred minute O&S 18”.


In respect of the unstarred minute:


i.       O&S 18 Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report

It was moved by Cllr M V L Ewings, seconded by Cllr A Coulson and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2018/19 be approved.”



d.    Audit Committee – 25 June 2019

It was moved by Cllr M Davies, seconded by Cllr S Hipsey and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 25 June 2019 meeting be received and noted”.



Supporting documents: