Agenda item

Public Question Time

a period of up to 15 minutes is available to deal with questions submitted to the Council in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules;


It was noted that the following public questions had been received in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules, for consideration at this meeting.  The responses are shown in italics.  Supplementary questions were then asked as shown.


Question 1 from Colin Luker:

Will SHDC consider a ‘Pilot Park & Ride Study' to reduce traffic congestion & air pollution in Totnes by utilising underused parking spaces in Follaton House; an initial Friday pilot trial extending to week-days once viable and an extension to other routes into Town in future?


Response from Cllr Baldry:

The principle of a park and ride may be a good one, however, the car park at Follaton house is designated as a private operational car park for the benefit of our tenants, members and staff.  It is included within the lease of our tenants and we would not be at liberty to change the operation of the car park to the detriment of our tenants without a full consultation process.  A members working group is currently reviewing the future use of Follaton House and is looking to report back in October to the Executive.  The Head of Assets does not advocate any consultation with our tenants on the change of the use of the car park until after the findings of the working group have been reported.



I disagree with your statement.  You hold Follaton House for the benefit of residents and I would ask you to reconsider.



Follaton House is for the benefit of staff, tenants and the residents of the whole of the South Hams.


Question 2 from Ian Hammond:

In the plan for Ivybridge redevelopment, it would appear the Youth Venue is going. Have the executive considered the potential impact to Youth activities, Community activities and well-being especially in light of the plans for Youth for Christ and The Salvation Army to start activities in the centre next year?


Response from Cllr Bastone:

The Executive recognise the importance of youth services in Ivybridge and in fact was pleased that at a recent meeting involving multiple stakeholders, Cllr Roger Croad from DCC suggested he was going to try and raise its priority within DCC.  It is not the aim of this project to reduce services in Ivybridge and our future stakeholder engagement will shape what the final outcome looks like.



Will the impact assessment be amended to include the impacts on youth, community and wellbeing in the town?



Yes, full impact assessments will be undertaken.


Question 3 from Cllr Tony Rea, ITC:

Regarding proposals to build a new supermarket in Ivybridge:

Precisely what modelling methods have been used to generate figures quoted recently in the press? ie that it would “create up to 60 jobs and bring in 2000 customers per day”.


Response from Cllr Bastone:

These figures are taken directly from the supermarket provider, who has a clear understanding of their business model and employment requirements.



Regarding the 'up to 60' new jobs the development might bring to Ivybridge, what is the projected number of full time equivalent job opportunities?



We have approached the supermarket for a specific response and will provide this in due course


Question 4 from Des Gray:

What consultation will there be on the potential demolition of the Youth Venue, the impact on the community of the loss of planned services. If necessary to relocate the building, the impact if facilities are not as well positioned as the current building.


Response from Cllr Bastone:

Adding to the earlier answer, the exact scale and location of services is yet to be determined.  The vision to date is only at a masterplan stage, rather than detailed design and will be shaped by the stakeholders.



The present plan shows a building being demolished to make room for coach parking spaces.  Is this necessary?



The plans will be consulted on with stakeholders, the Council wants all to be involved.


Question 5 from Cllr Tessa Lannin:

Why do the plans still include a drive through?  Ivybridge residents raised concerns at the town council meeting 15 April to Tom Jones Head of Placemaking. A "drive through" will reduce footfall into Ivybridge Town Centre, and increase car traffic and litter - what benefits will it bring to Ivybridge?


Response from Cllr Bastone:

There are two versions of the masterplan, one including the drive through and one not.  There are challenges with the drive through, such as added competition and a slight reduction in parking, however it aligns well to current consumer habits and crucially does have a strong financial upside, which helps make the challenging economics of this project more viable.


Question 6 from Mike Mills:

Can you advise how the Dartmouth Health and Wellbeing Hub Development meets the Council’s first objective in the SHDC Commercial Investment Strategy ‘To support regeneration and the economic activity of the District, and the desired outcomes, Town centre regeneration, and Tourism/Increased footfall ?


Response from Cllr Bastone:

The strategy has multiple objectives and recognises that each project will be assessed against its own merits.  This particular project does not seek to improve the economic activity of the District (other than through the construction phase) but delivers against other aspects of the strategy such as:

      To enhance business rates growth

      To assist with the financial sustainability of the Council as an ancillary benefit

      To help the Council continue to deliver and/or improve frontline services in line with the Council’s adopted strategy & objectives.


It also targets the following desired outcomes set out in the strategy:

  Health & Wellbeing

  Business rate growth

  Improved asset utilisation



Supporting documents: