Agenda item

Business Brought Forward by the Chairman

to consider business (if any) brought forward by the Chairman;



Given the decision of the Chairman (Minute 02/19 above refers), a motion was then PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:


In light of the declaration of the Climate Emergency by Teignbridge Council on the 18 April 2019 and by Parliament on 1 May 2019 we request, as an urgent matter, the Council agrees to the matter of the adoption of Teignbridge Council’s Climate Emergency Declaration and cooperation with Teignbridge on tackling Climate Change being referred to the Executive for its consideration at its next meeting on 6 June 2019 in order that a recommendation be put to the next meeting of Full Council.’


In his introduction, the proposer advised that he was aware from the latest published version of the Executive Forward Plan that the Executive was already due to consider a report related to Climate Change at its next meeting on 6 June 2019.  It was therefore the intention of his motion for specific reference to be included in this report on the ambitious actions that had been recently approved by Teignbridge District Council (including a pledge to do what was within their powers to make the Teignbridge District carbon neutral by 2025).


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-


(a)    An amendment was PROPOSED and SECONDED to read as follows:


‘In light of the declaration of the Climate Emergency by Devon County Council and by Parliament on 1 May 2019 we request, as an urgent matter, the Council agrees to the matter of the adoption of Devon County Council’s Climate Emergency Declaration and cooperation with Devon on tackling Climate Change being referred to the Executive for its consideration at its next meeting on 6 June 2019 in order that a recommendation be put to the next meeting of Full Council.’


In citing as an example the ongoing work on the aligned Devon Waste Strategy, the proposer advised that the Council was already working closely with Devon County Council (DCC).  Since the Council did not currently work as closely with Teignbridge District Council (TDC), it was felt to be more appropriate to co-operate with DCC rather than Teignbridge District Council.


Another Member highlighted that the TDC portfolio holder for Climate Change had recently made contact with the Council pointing out that TDC was keen to work alongside its neighbouring District Councils and DCC on the actions necessary to become carbon neutral by 2025.  As a consequence, the Member felt that the amendment was discourteous to TDC.


When put to the vote, the amendment was declared CARRIED;


(b)  A further amendment was then PROPOSED and SECONDED to read as follows:


‘In light of the declaration of the Climate Emergency by Devon County Council and Teignbridge District Council and by Parliament on 1 May 2019 we request, as an urgent matter, the Council agrees to the matter of the adoption of Devon County and Teignbridge District Councils’ Climate Emergency Declarations and cooperation with Devon and Teignbridge on tackling Climate Change being referred to the Executive for its consideration at its next meeting on 6 June 2019 in order that a recommendation be put to the next meeting of Full Council.’

By including reference to both DCC and TDC, the proposer and seconder were of the view that their amendment was more inclusive and reflective of the views of the majority of Members and, when put to the vote, this amendment was declared CARRIED.


It was then:




That, in light of the declaration of the Climate Emergency by Devon County Council and Teignbridge District Council and by Parliament on 1 May 2019, we request, as an urgent matter, the Council agrees to the matter of the adoption of Devon County and Teignbridge District Councils’ Climate Emergency Declarations and cooperation with Devon and Teignbridge on tackling Climate Change being referred to the Executive for its consideration at its next meeting on 6 June 2019 in order that a recommendation be put to the next meeting of Full Council.