Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:



WARD NAME                         Hatherleigh


LOCATION                              Hatherleigh Market, Hatherleigh, Devon

DEVELOPMENT                      READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans and description) Redevelopment offormer Hatherleigh Cattle Market comprising 102 residential units, fur and feathers auction facility/pavilion, A1/A2/A3 commercial units, market square, associated infrastructure and energy compounds, pumping station and car parking

APPLICANT                             Mr P Jones  Kingswood Homes (UK) Ltd



WARD NAME                         Buckland Monachorum                   

APPLICATION NUMBER         3451/18/FUL  

LOCATION                              Challoch Bungalow", The Crescent, Crapstone

DEVELOPMENT                      READVERTISEMENT (Additional Plans) Development of 3 No detached four bedroom dwellings with integral garages, new access road and external works (Resubmission of 1697/18/FUL)

APPLICANT                             Mr P Gray  Charles Gray Limited



WARD NAME                         Drewsteignton


LOCATION                              "Begbeer Farm", Spreyton, Crediton, Devon

DEVELOPMENT                      Erection of temporary agricultural workers dwelling and                                                            ancillary access works

APPLICANT                             Mr C Jordan  Mr C H & Mrs R J Jordan & Son



WARD NAME                         OKEHAMPTON


LOCATION                              Land North Of Crediton Road", Crediton Road, Okehampton,

DEVELOPMENT                      READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans and Description) Reserved Matters application seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout for 111 dwellings (pursuant to outline permission 4059/16/VAR)

APPLICANT                             ADPAD and Hannard Developments Ltd


WARD NAME                         OKEHAMPTON


LOCATION                              Land North Of Crediton Road", Crediton Road, Okehampton,

DEVELOPMENT                      READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans and Description) Reserved Matters application seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout for 17 dwellings (pursuant to outline permission 4059/16/VAR)

APPLICANT                             ADPAD and Hannard Developments Ltd



WARD NAME                         OKEHAMPTON


LOCATION                              Land North Of Crediton Road", Crediton Road, Okehampton,

DEVELOPMENT                      READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans and Description) Reserved Matters application seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout for 6 dwellings (pursuant to outline permission 4059/16/VAR)

APPLICANT                             ADPAD and Hannard Developments Ltd








*DM&L 46


The Committee proceeded to consider the applications that had been prepared by the Development Management Specialists and considered also the comments of the Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below, and RESOLVED that:


(a)Application No:  1794/18/FUL Ward: Hatherleigh


Site Address: Hatherleigh Market, Hatherleigh, Devon


READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans and description) Redevelopment of former Hatherleigh Cattle Market comprising 102 residential units, fur and feathers auction facility/pavilion, A1/A2/A3 commercial units, market square, associated infrastructure, pumping station and car parking


Case Officer Update:  There were six highways conditions that had been agreed but not included in the report and these were set out in full for Committee members consideration; two late letters of representation had been received, one of which raised concerns over access to and from the abattoir, which had been discussed with Highways officers who did not consider this an issue, and raised concerns over potential future conflict in respect of noise and odours arising from the abattoir. The second letter of objection stated that there were too many houses being proposed according to the Office of National Statistics Data.


Speakers included:          Objector – Mr Charles Dumbleton; Town Council representative – Cllr Clare Tyson;  Supporter – Ms Andrea Fortune; and local Ward Members – Cllr J McInnes (statement read out) and Cllr P Kimber


RECOMMENDATION:  Delegate to Head of Practice lead Development management, in conjunction with Chairman to conditionally grant planning permission, subject to a Section106 legal agreement


However, in the event that the Section 106 legal agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the HoP Lead Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made delegated authority is given to the HoP to refuse the application in the absence of an agreed s106 agreement.


COMMITTEE DECISION:          Delegate to Head of Practice lead Development management, in conjunction with Chairman to conditionally grant planning permission, subject to a Section106 legal agreement


However, in the event that the Section 106 legal agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the HoP Lead Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made delegated authority is given to the HoP to refuse the application in the absence of an agreed s106 agreement.



1)    Standard Time limit for Full planning permission

2)    Adherence to plans

3)    Cycle parking plan

4)    Details of demarcation of market area

5)    Scheme for continued provision of space and parking for operations of the market during construction

6)    Landscaping to include details of retaining structures

7)    Boundary treatments and retaining wall details

8)    Vegetative Environmental Buffer details

9)    Render colours as per approved plans unless otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA

10)  Material sample condition to include submission of specification for exterior paint

11)  Play space delivery and equipment

12)  SWW condition re no run-off to public sewer system

13)  Tree protection (fencing etc)

14)  Tree protection (excavations)

15)  Arboricultural Method statement – general activity

16)  Arboricultural Method statement – no dig requirement

17)  Tree pit/soil information

18)  Full details of construction drainage strategy for surface water

19)  Full details of permanent drainage strategy for surface water

20)  Excedence pathways and overland flow routes

21)  CEMP

22)  Electric Vehicle Charging points

23)  Contaminated land condition

24)  Contaminated land condition

25)  Unexpected contaminated land condition

26)  Energy/low carbon statement

27)  Mitigation Method statement adherence

28)  LEMP submission

29)  Lighting strategy submission

30)  Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Strategy submission

31)  High speed broadband ducting to all properties and business units

32)  Use restrictions upon the use of the market building and associated square

33)  Use class restrictions upon the A1/A2/A3 units

34)  Noise mitigation scheme to protect proposed residential units

35)  Noise mitigation scheme to protect adjacent residential units from the approved market/community use

36)  Detail of external plant to serve any commercial units


Additional conditions relating to Highways matters


(b)Application No:  3451/18/FUL  Ward: Buckland Monachorum


Site Address: Challoch Bungalow, The Crescent, Crapstone


READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans) Development of 3 no detached four bedroom dwellings with integral garages, new access road and external works (Resubmission of 1697/18/FUL)


Case Officer Update:        The garages were external not integral, and the report should state that Highways comment was ‘standing advice’.  Natural England had commented they had no objection, subject to inclusion of a condition.  Five further letters of representation had been received objecting to the scheme.  One objection stated lack of sufficient information on landscaping.  Members had received a copy of the recent appeal decision whereby a proposal for four dwellings on this site had been dismissed.  In response to questions raised on site, the ground level would not be much different to the existing ground level of the bunglow as the ‘plinth’ was not to be removed.


Speakers included:          Objector – Mr Andrew Price; Supporter – Mr Ed Persse and local Ward Members – Cllr R Cheadle and Cllr P R Sanders


RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval


During discussion, a number of Members raised concerns over the density of the proposal, and it being out of keeping with the character of ‘The Crescent’.  Members made particular reference to the site being the entrance to ‘The Crescent’ and immediately adjacent to open moorland. The parish council reiterated that they were not against a replacement dwelling on the site, but that three dwellings was too many and the village already had plenty of four bedroomed houses.


COMMITTEE DECISION:          Refusal



The proposed scheme by reason of its design, density and layout will have a significant detrimental impact upon this section of "The Crescent" and the adjacent moorland. As such it fails to reinforce local distinctiveness or add to the overall visual quality of the area. The development is therefore considered contrary to the advice provided within the National Planning Policy Framework notably, but not limited to paragraphs 124, 127, 128 and 130 and policies SPT1, SPT2, DEV20, DEV23 and DEV25 of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan.



(c)Application No:  2542/18/FULWard: Drewsteignton


Site Address: Begbeer Farm, Spreyton


Erection of temporary agricultural workers dwelling and ancillary access


Case Officer Update:      None             


Speakers included:          Supporter – Mr Pat Tomlinson




COMMITTEE DECISION:          Refusal


[NB:  This application was refused in line with the officer recommendation by Chairman’s casting vote]



(d)Application No:  2646/18/ARM         Ward: Okehampton


Site Address: Land North of Crediton Road, Crediton Road, Okehampton


READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans and Description) Reserved Matters application seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout for 111 dwellings (pursuant to outline permission 4059/16/VAR)


     Case Officer Update:             Biodiversity information had been supplied in the CEMP and LEMP and the relevant officer had confirmed it was satisfactory subject to the inclusion of two conditions in place of the last condition on the committee report list, the conditions were shown to Members in full on a slide.       


Speakers included:          Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council – Cllr Brian Wood (statement read); Okehampton Town Council  - Cllr Tony Leech (statement read)


RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval


COMMITTEE DECISION:          Conditional Approval



1.      Standard reserved matters conditions

2.      Adherence to plans

3.      Electric vehicle charging points

4.      Tree protection/AMS/construction methodology

5.      Retail use/limitations

6.      Retail restriction – no deliveries between 23:00hrs and 07:00hrs

7.      Details of shop plant

8.      Rear garden gate design and security

9.      Rear access path gate design, security and any associated lighting

10.   Adherence to biodiversity mitigation



(e)Application No:  2647/18/ARM         Ward: Okehampton


Site Address: Land North of Crediton Road, Crediton Road, Okehampton


READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans and Description) Reserved Matters application seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout for 17 dwellings (pursuant to outline permission 4059/16/VAR)


     Case Officer Update:             Biodiversity information had been supplied in the CEMP and LEMP and the relevant officer had confirmed it was satisfactory subject to the inclusion of two conditions in place of the last condition on the committee report list, the conditions were shown to Members in full on a slide.             

Speakers included:          Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council – Cllr Brian Wood (statement read); Okehampton Town Council  - Cllr Tony Leech (statement read)


RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval


COMMITTEE DECISION:          Conditional Approval



1.      Standard reserved matters conditions

2.      Adherence to plans

3.      Electric vehicle charging points

4.      Tree protection/AMS/construction methodology

5.      Rear garden gate design and security

6.      Rear access path gate design, security and any associated lighting

7.      Adherence to biodiversity mitigation


(f)Application No:  2648/18/ARM         Ward: Okehampton


Site Address: Land North of Crediton Road, Crediton Road, Okehampton


READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans and Description) Reserved Matters application seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout for 6 dwellings (pursuant to outline permission 4059/16/VAR)


Case Officer Update:      Biodiversity information had been supplied in the CEMP and LEMP and the relevant officer had confirmed it was satisfactory subject to the inclusion of two conditions in place of the last condition on the committee report list, the conditions were shown to Members in full on a slide.        


Speakers included:          Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council – Cllr Brian Wood (statement read); Okehampton Town Council  - Cllr Tony Leech (statement read)


RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval


COMMITTEE DECISION:          Conditional Approval




1.      Standard reserved matters conditions

2.      Adherence to plans

3.      Electric vehicle charging points

4.      Tree protection/AMS/construction methodology

5.      Rear garden gate design and security

6.      Rear access path gate design, security and any associated lighting

7.      Adherence to biodiversity mitigation



Supporting documents: