Agenda item

Leisure Contract - Fusion Annual Report 2018



A report was considered that provided a performance review summary for 2018 from Fusion Lifestyle in the management of all six Leisure Centres across the South Hams and West Devon.


As part of the presentation that was delivered to the Panel, reference was made to the following future priorities:


-        An improved GP referral service (to work together with the Council on a district wide solution);

-        An improved relationship with local stakeholders (to include schools, colleges and existing organisations in our towns);

-        A skills based provision for the needs of local clubs (e.g. to work with Totnes Rugby Football Club on their pre-season training needs); and

-        In accordance with their Key Performance Indicators:

o    To increase total participation, membership and swim school figures by 10-15%;

o    To increase target group participation by 10-15% for: Under 16s, those aged over 60, disabled users and females;

o    To increase the customer satisfaction score by 3-5%; and

o    To maintain the Quest Accreditation at each Leisure Centre.

During the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)   Given the level of disruption at the Leisure Centres during 2018, the representatives informed that they were pleasantly surprised at the performance of the contract during this period;


(b)   The Panel was informed that the youth nights at Dartmouth and Totnes were proving to be successful and the next focus for Fusion was to attempt to launch equivalent sessions at Ivybridge;


(c)    In response to a question, the representatives advised that they were committed to taking forward the ‘Dementia Friendly’ initiative within the South Hams.  In welcoming this assurance, the Panel asked that Fusion liaise directly with the ‘Dementia Friendly Parishes Around the Yealm’ Community Group;


(d)   In line with the Business Plan, the representatives advised that, to date, Fusion had been heavily focused on making improvements to the Leisure Centres.  Moving forward, it was now the intention of the organisations to give added emphasis to improving relationships with local schools and clubs and developing the community outreach provision.  In reply, some Members stressed the importance of community outreach and the need for residents who lived in rural areas to be in receipt of a better outreach service;


(e)   With regard to parking charges and leisure permits, the Panel was informed that these should be reviewed as part of the normal fees and charges budget setting process.  In accepting the point, a Member urged the Council to give greater consideration at the appropriate time to the Health and Wellbeing implications of increasing car parking charges;


(f)     The representatives confirmed that the working relationships between the Council, Fusion and Tadpool were very positive;


(g)   A local Ward Member asked that Fusion give consideration to improving the advertising and promotion of the Dartmouth Leisure Centre within the local area;


(h)   For future monitoring reports, a Member requested that performance information relating to sustainability and environmental improvements be expanded upon.  In response, the Fusion representatives stated that they were fully supportive of this request and highlighted that factors such as utilities usage were reported to Council officers on a monthly basis.  To generate improvements in this regard, Members were asked to provide the contact details of any local contacts who would be interested in working in partnership with Fusion.


It was then:




That the Panel:


1.      greatly value the Fusion Annual Report for 2018 and welcomes the proposals going forward for 2019;


2.      ask that Fusion give an increased focus and emphasis to outreach service provision in the rural parishes; and


3.      acknowledge the willingness of Fusion to adopt more energy efficient working practices and work with relevant partners in the South Hams to meet this objective.


Supporting documents: