Agenda item

Task and Finish Group Updates (if any):

(a)  Dartmouth Lower Ferry; (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert)

(b)  Partnerships; (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Ward)

(c)  Waste and Recycling; (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert)

(d)  Events Policy; (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Bastone ) and

(e)  Permits Review (Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert).





(a)       Dartmouth Lower Ferry


The Chairman advised that negotiations were currently ongoing with staff fully involved in the process.


(b)      Partnerships – Update Report


The Chairman made reference to the Task and Finish Group currently reviewing the submitted business cases for the CAB and CVS and it was still intended that an outcome report would be presented to the Panel meeting on 24 November 2016.


(c)       Waste and Recycling


In providing an update, the lead Executive Member for Commercial Services informed that:


-       once 90% full, all recycling banks in the South Hams were now being emptied.  Whilst the Group was still looking at service improvements in this respect, it was not deemed cost effective to empty banks whilst only half full;

-       the round review was progressing well and it was anticipated that an outcome report would be ready during the Autumn;

-       the Group was aiming to publish its findings on the recycling sack project before the end of December 2016.


(d)      Events Policy Principles


The Panel considered a report of the Events Task and Finish Group that presented a set of guiding principles that were proposed to be used to form the basis of the new Policy.


In introducing this agenda item, the Group Chairman advised that he had been made aware of some appetite amongst some of his colleagues for the proposed guiding principles to be published for further public consultation before a decision was taken.


In discussion, it soon became apparent that there were a strong difference of views amongst Members.  As a principle, some Members expressed their support for the principle whereby events that were hosted on Council owned land (that would result in a consequent loss of income to the Council) should see the authority being reimbursed accordingly.


In contrast, other Members expressed their disquiet at the guiding principles and made particular reference to:


-       the proposal being particularly contentious, mean-spirited and short sighted;

-       the principle being front page news in local papers throughout the South Hams;

-       the proposals being contrary to the ‘Big Society’ agenda, which would affect the semblance of volunteerism and the tremendous wellbeing that such events brought to local communities.  As a consequence, these recommendations would bring into question the actual viability of a number of local events;

-       the economic benefits arising from such events.  As an example, a local Ward Member highlighted that it had been conservatively estimated that the Dartmouth Regatta event generated an additional £3.5 million to the local economy;

-       the disparity whereby most of the proposed charges were set at £50 per day, whereas those events in Dartmouth were proposed to be £150 per day;

-       the belief that the Council should in fact be working to preserve and support the traditions of the South Hams and its wonderful array of events.

Some Members of the Task and Finish Group proceeded to express their frustrations that a number of their colleagues had not expressed their deep frustrations at an earlier time during the review.


As a way forward, the overriding need to address the current disparity was recognised and still remained and the following motion was therefore PROPOSED and SECONDED:-


“That the Task and Finish Group be reconvened with the purpose of focusing on the objective to ensure parity of fees and charges for events on SHDC land / premises.”

When put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.  In addition, the lack of town based ward Member involvement on the Group was identified as a shortcoming.  It was therefore agreed that Cllr P Cuthbert be added to the membership of the Group, with the lead Executive Member for Commercial Services also taking on an increased role during the review.


It was then:




That the Task and Finish Group be reconvened with the purpose of focusing on the objective to ensure parity of fees and charges for events on SHDC land / premises.


(e)       Permits Review


The Panel noted that the first Group meeting had been held and the current list of permits had been initially considered.  Furthermore, the next Group meeting had been scheduled to take place on Thursday, 20 October 2016.




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