Agenda item

Reports of Bodies

* Indicates minutes containing recommendations to Council





That the minutes and recommendations of the undermentioned bodies be received and approved subject to any amendments listed below:-


(a)     Development Management Committee     12 December 2018


(b)     Executive                                                    13 December 2018


E.55/18: Business Rates – Section 47 Discretionary Rates Relief Policy




That the Business Rates – Section 47 Discretionary Rates Relief Policy (for the consideration and award of applications for Discretionary Rate Relief) be adopted.


E.56/18: Clean Air Strategy Following Public Consultation




That the Clean Air Strategy for South Hams and West Devon, including proposed Air Quality Action Plans for Ivybridge and Dean Prior, be adopted.


E.58/18: Capital Programme Monitoring




That £56,601 of the remaining 2017/18 Capital Programme Contingency Budget of £155,000 be approved to be allocated to the two Capital Projects as shown below:


-        Café, Cliff House Gardens, Salcombe: £41,601; and

-        Air Handling Unit, Council Chamber: £15,000.


E.62/18: Commercial Development Opportunities




1.     That the acquisition of 10 acres of employment land at Sherford be funded from the Business Rates Retention Earmarked Reserve (as detailed in Appendix C of the agenda report presented to the Executive);

2.     That £500,000 be allocated from S106 Funding from Land at Torhill Farm, Godwell Lane, Ivybridge (27_57/1347/14/F) to fund the Ermington Employment Units (thereby freeing up £0.5 million of Capital Receipts Funding); and


3.     That the £610,215 upfront borrowing costs be funded during the construction period of the projects (as set out in Exempt Appendix H of the agenda report presented to the Executive) from a combination of the Business Rates Retention Earmarked Reserve (£285,215) and the Business Rates Pilot gain for 2018/19 (£325,000).


 (c)    Development Management Committee     16 January 2019


(d)     Joint Overview & Scrutiny Panel & Development Management Committee                                                   24 January 2019


(e)     Overview and Scrutiny Panel                    24 January 2019


O&S.81/18: Review of Procedure for Dealing with Standards Complaints




That, with effect from May 2019, the:


1.     revised ‘Dealing with Standards Complaints’ Procedure (as attached at Appendix A of the agenda report presented to the Panel) be adopted; and


2.     review of the associated Hearing Procedure be delegated to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


(f)      Salcombe Harbour Board                       28 January 2019


SH.25/18: Harbour Master’s Report




That the Moorings Policy (as set out at Appendix 3 of the agenda report presented to the Board) be approved, subject to delegated authority being given to the Harbour Master, in consultation with the Chairman of the Board, to make any non-substantive amendments prior to publication.


SH.27/18: Batson Workshops – Decision Gateway




That the Harbour Board commit to the repayment of the cost of the development (capped at £800,000) which is capped at £36,000 expenditure per year for the lifetime of the loan.


(g)     Audit Committee                                         31 January 2019


A.43/18: Review of the Council’s Constitution: Rules of Procedure and Scheme of Members’ Allowances




That the amendments to Part 4 (Rules of Procedure) and Part 6 (Scheme of Members’ Allowances) of the Council Constitution (as summarised in paragraph 2.5 of the agenda report presented to the Committee and fully outlined at Appendix A) be approved and formally adopted subject to:


-       an additional Rule being included whereby all Members of the Audit Committee will be expected to attend relevant training sessions as and when they are provided.


(h)     Executive                                                                31 January 2019


E.68/18(a): Reports of Other Bodies – Joint Overview &        Scrutiny Panel and Development Management Committee:            24 January 2019


OSDM.2/18: Development Management – Performance Update




1.         That the actions being taken to secure improved performance within the Development Management Service be endorsed; and


2.         That a further service capacity review be undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel six months after the additional Level 5 Specialist takes up their post.


E.68/18(b): Reports of Other Bodies – Overview and Scrutiny Panel: 24 January 2019


O&S.77/18: Car Parking Pay and Display Machines – Metric Group Representatives




That officers consider, as a matter of urgency, the appointment of a new company to provide and maintain the Council’s Car Parking Pay & Display Machines, with a progress report being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel at its meeting on 13 June 2019.


E.69/18: Quarter 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2018/19




That the underspend on Homelessness Prevention be transferred into the Homelessness Earmarked Reserve at the end of the 2018/19 Financial Year (currently expected to be £30,000).


E.70/18: Capital Programme Monitoring




That £115,000 of the remaining Capital Programme Contingency Budget of £248,399 be approved to be allocated to the following two Capital Projects:


-            Salcombe Fish Quay Improvements; and

-            Modbury Millennium Bridge.


E.74/18: Business Continuity Management Strategy and Work Programme




That the Business Continuity Management Strategy and Work Programme be adopted.


E.77/18: Pay and Display Review




That the following amendments be made to the South Hams Off-Street Parking Places Order:


-            Pay and Display Charges be amended in accordance with Appendix 1 of the agenda report presented to the Executive meeting, following consultation with local communities.


Supporting documents: