Agenda item

Reports of Other Bodies

a) Joint Development Management Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Panel – 24 January 2019; and


b) Overview & Scrutiny Panel – 24 January 2019






That the following be received and that any recommendations contained therein be approved:


a)     Joint Development Management and Overview and Scrutiny Panel – 24 January 2019


                             i.          OSDM.2/18  DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT – PERFORMANCE UPDATE


It was then:




That Council be RECOMMENDED that: 


1.  the actions being taken to secure improved performance within the Development Management Service be endorsed;

2.  as part of the 2019/20 Budget Setting process, support be given to the addition of a Level 5 Specialist, at a cost of £29,000, within the Development Management service (to be funded through planning income); and

3.  in the event of recommendation 2 (above) being approved, a further service capacity review be undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel six months after the additional Level 5 Specialist takes up their post.



                            ii.       OSDM.3/18 REVIEW OF FEES AND CHARGES





That Council be RECOMMENDED that:


1.  the proposed fees and charges set out for Parks, Open Spaces and Outdoor Sports (as outlined in Appendix A of the presented agenda report) be approved;

2.  the proposed Environmental Health Charges (as outlined in Appendix B of the presented agenda report) be approved;

3. the proposed Fees and Charges for Development Management (as set out in Appendix C of the presented agenda report) be approved;

4.  delegated authority be given to the Group Manager for Commercial Services and Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the lead Executive Member, to set the Dartmouth Lower Ferry Fees to take account of market conditions, including competitor charges;

5.  there are no changes to the Car Park Charges for 2019/20, except for where this has been agreed as an alternative to the implementation of Pay on Entry at public toilets (NB. a report will be presented to the Executive in this respect in due course);

6.  the proposed changes to Boat Storage Charges (as set out in paragraph 3.7 of the presented agenda report) be approved;

7.  delegated authority is given to the Group Manager for Commercial Services and Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to set the Commercial Waste charges, once all the price modelling factors are known; and

8.  officers undertake a review into all aspects of fees and charges related to zoo licensing, with these being reported back to the joint Budget Consultation meeting in January 2020.



                          iii.       OSDM.4/18  BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR 2019/20 ONWARDS UPDATE


The Executive noted the recommendations under this item for consideration with the Budget report later on the agenda (Item 9:  Revenue Budget Proposals 2019/20)


It was then:




That Council be RECOMMENDED that the joint meeting supports:-


1.  the increase in Council Tax for 2019/20 of £5 (as outlined at paragraph 3.4 of the presented agenda report);

2.  the financial pressures amounting to £1,354,700 (as shown in Appendix A of the presented agenda report);

3.  the net contributions to/from Earmarked Reserves amounting to £782,300 (as shown in Appendix E of the presented agenda report);

4.  the proposed savings of £1,060,226 for 2019/20 (as shown in Appendix A of the presented agenda report);

5.  the proposed use of £500,000 of New Homes Bonus funding to balance the 2019/20 Revenue Budget (as shown in Appendix E of the presented agenda report); and

6.  the following measures being implemented to close the predicted 2019/20 Budget Gap of £75,007:

     - reduce the contribution to the Planning Policy and Major

      Developments from £75,000 to £50,000;

     - remove the £7,000 allocated to the ‘Communities

      Together Fund’; and

     - reduce the contribution to the Land and Development

       Reserve from £50,000 to £7,000.



                          iv.       OSDM.5/18  CAPITAL BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR 2019/20


The Executive noted the recommendations under this item for consideration with the Budget report later on the agenda (Item 11:  Revenue Budget Proposals 2019/20 Onwards Update Report)


It was then:




That Council be RECOMMENDED that the joint meeting supports:-


1.  the content of the Capital Programme Proposals for 2019/20 that totals £1,290,000 (as set out in Appendix A of the presented agenda report);

2.  the content of the Capital Programme Proposals for 2019/20 that totals £14,001,000 (as set out in exempt Appendix B of the presented agenda report); and

3.  the proposed financing of the 2019/20 Capital Programme of £15,291,000 from the funding sources (as set out in Section 4 of the presented agenda report).



b)  Overview and Scrutiny Panel – 24 January 2019






That the Council be RECOMMENDED that officers consider, as a matter of urgency, the appointment of a new company to provide and maintain the Council’s Car Parking Pay and Display Machines, with a progress report being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel at its meeting on 13 June 2019.







That the current process for spending Section 106 Affordable Housing monies be retained.



iii) O&S.82/18            CORPORATE STRATEGY




That the proposed actions (as detailed in Section 5 of the presented agenda report) be endorsed.


Supporting documents: