Agenda item

Public Question Time

a period of up to 15 minutes is available to deal with questions submitted to the Council in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules;



It was noted that the following public questions had been received in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules, for consideration at this meeting:


1.    Question received from Mr Colin Luker


‘The SHDC Councillors will no doubt be aware that on 5 November 2018, Totnes Town Council unanimously approved a similar motion to that below.  I am now asking the South Hams District Council to support a similar motion.


“I would ask the SHDC to write to Sarah Wollaston MP and to the Secretary of State for Work & Pensions to pause the managed roll-out of Universal Credit whilst necessary amendments are made.


Without the needed vital changes, it is highly likely that Universal Credit will have a significant detrimental impact on many residents & families in South Hams.


The recent Secretary of State for Work & Pensions, Esther McVey, acknowledged that many people would be financially worse off as a result of their existing benefits being consolidated into one payment.”


May I request a polled vote on this matter.’


       In response, Cllr Tucker informed that the Executive had no jurisdiction to ask that a letter be written on behalf of the Council without the prior approval of the Council.  That being said, Cllr Tucker did wish to provide some relevant background facts as follows:-


-        The Council had closely observed the national picture with regard to Universal Credit and had monitored closely the recent roll out in South Hams;

-        Areas of the South Hams first went to full service in April 2018, with the remainder of the District (including Totnes) going in September 2018;

-        Council officers were working very closely with the Department of Work and Pensions and Job Centre Plus and had processes in place to assist the most vulnerable to ensure that people did not slip through the net;

-        The Council had used its Discretionary Housing payment pot to assist people in financial hardship with their living costs and the Council’s Housing Options service was also assisting;

-        Furthermore, Citizens Advice was offering budgeting support and residents could receive assistance with making their claim online from Mobile Locality Officers and by coming in to the Council offices;

-        The new Secretary of State for Works & Pensions had indicated that she would be listening very carefully to concerns over Universal Credit and it was important to give her the opportunity to undertake this task.


       In reply to a supplementary question over the Council’s position regarding the abolition of severe disability premium, Cllr Tucker reaffirmed his previous point that the Executive was in no position to provide a formal Council view in this respect.


2.    Question received from Dr Rob van Es


       ‘Will the Council agree that to close the toilets at Millbay, East Portlemouth, will result in visitors using the unofficial public convenience of the adjacent woodland, causing untreated urine and faeces to run-off into the freshwater stream running across the beach, which is a favourite playing area for children?’


       In reply, Cllr Tucker advised that a revised recommendation would be tabled to the meeting during consideration of agenda item 10: ‘Public Toilet Review’ (agenda item E.46/18 below refers) that was likely to allay Dr Van Es’ concerns.


3.    Question received from Mrs Fiona van Es


‘I read with grave concern of the possible closure of the Mill Bay toilets in East Portlemouth so my question is this:


Is it considered safe and reasonable for families with young children to have to walk ten minutes to the ferry toilets along a busy single track road.


Cllr Tucker replied by reiterating the response he delivered to Question 2 (above) whereby a revised recommendation would be tabled to the meeting during consideration of agenda item 10: ‘Public Toliet Review’ (agenda item E.46/18 below refers) that was likely to allay Mrs Van Es’ concerns.




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