Agenda item

Task and Finish Group Updates (if any)

(a) Drug and Alcohol Abuse






a) Drug and Alcohol Abuse – Outcome Report


A report was presented that outlined the conclusions of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Task and Finish Group.


During the ensuing debate, reference was made to:-


-       recognition of the hard work that had been put into the Review by lead officers and the Task and Finish Group Members;

-       the re-establishment of the Youth Leisure Nights at Totnes Pavilions.  Whilst it was still very much in its infancy, the general feedback had been positive;

-       the severity of drug misuse in Totnes.  A Member felt that the Group recommendations were particularly helpful and specifically highlighted an upcoming meeting between community representatives, the local MP and the local Police and Crime Commissioner to discuss this matter further;

-       the responsibilities undertaken by the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Officer; 

-       the potential Budget implications arising from the Group recommendations.  To ensure that the Group recommendations were taken into account as part of the Council’s wider budget setting exercise, some amendments were PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote were declared CARRIED.


It was then:




1.     That the Executive RECOMMEND to Council that it support and participate (wherever possible) in Police and Public Health England campaigns around drug reporting, harm minimisation and education;


2.     That the Panel acknowledge the response from the Task and Finish Group that CCTV linking into a central hub is cost prohibitive;


3.     That the Member Budget Workshop explore the possibility of obtaining annual funding for youth activities / engagement as a diversionary approach to Crime and Disorder (including drug use) within the South Hams District;


4.     That the Member Budget Workshop explore the possibility of obtaining funding from Outside Bodies so to enable the Council to support recommendation 3 (above) by a part-time post or by other means;


5.     That, subject to the availability of funding, the Council proactively supports and participates in Junior Life Skills as part of a preventative approach and early intervention / education for young people; and


6.     That the Council supports and proactively participates in partnership working with multi agencies and other initiatives relating to the prevention of drug use and anti-social behaviour amongst young people.  Such support and activity to be explored by Members of the Task and Finish Group with subsequent referral back to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


Supporting documents: