Agenda item

Customer Satisfaction Survey




The Panel considered a report that detailed the scores that had been achieved by the Council as part of a recent Institute of Customer Service Customer Satisfaction Survey.


The lead Executive Member introduced the report and highlighted the recent all staff training days that had focused on Customer Satisfaction.  Following these sessions, the Member informed that an Action Plan would be developed and, subject to agreement at this meeting, it was intended that it would be presented to the next Panel meeting. 


Finally, once this Plan had been adopted, it was the wish of the Member for the Executive Forward Plan to be updated to ensure that ‘Progress on the Action Plan’ was a standing agenda item at future Executive meetings.


In the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)   For clarity, the Panel was informed that the ‘Net Promoter Score’ could be defined as being the likelihood that a respondent would recommend the organisation to somebody else;


(b)   When questioned, officers confirmed that 538 responses had been made to the Survey.  Of these 538, 318 respondents had made a comment.  However, Members were also advised that some of these written responses had referred to functions and services that were not within the remit and/or responsibility of the District Council (e.g. potholes).  It was noted that a common theme throughout these responses had been identified as the need for the Council to improve its communication methods;


(c)    A number of Members were of the view that the Survey results had simply confirmed what they had already known.  In expressing their disappointment and concerns over the Survey results, particular reference was made to:-


-        the results supporting the longstanding (and continued) failings in some officers not responding to their customers.  Members reiterated their repeated frustrations that certain officers did not respond to calls, acknowledge emails or provide progress updates to customers;

-        the Survey illustrating the systemic failures of the Transformation Programme.  Some Members felt the need to change the current systems was of paramount importance and, whilst the financial objectives of the Transformation Programme had been achieved, this had sadly resulted in a negative impact upon customer services;

-        the removal of individual service areas resulting in a complete lack of ownership and accountability; and

-        the Programme placing too great an onus upon channel shift and the ability (and willingness) of customers to self-serve;


(d)   A Member took exception to the term ‘customers’ and, in emphasising the lack of choice available to them, felt that the Council should consider its customers to be ‘residents’.  Indeed, such was the lack of choice, that some Members were of the view that this tended to breed a certain degree of resentment that in fact resulted in residents having an even higher expectation of customer service from their local council(s);


(e)   Having been informed that the Salcombe Harbour Authority had not been included as part of the Survey, some Members felt this to be unfortunate.  These Members made reference to the exemplar Customer Service standards that were achieved by the Harbour staff and it was felt that lessons could be learned from them that would benefit the wider organisation;


(f)     Some Members were of the view that, in response to concerns being raised from Town and Parish Council Clerks, they should be encouraged to make contact with the Council through the Localities Team.  Furthermore, a Member questioned whether the wider membership had got to grips with the Transformation Programme and specifically the working methods that underpinned the Operating Model;


(g)   In respect of the formal complaints process, a Member felt that the corporate timescales to resolve a complaint (30 days) was excessive and sent the wrong message.  As a consequence, the Member requested that this matter be reviewed imminently;


(h)   An alternative recommendation was PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:-


‘That the Panel notes with concern the results from the Council’s recent Customer Satisfaction Survey and requests the production of a comprehensive Action Plan that will include the measures outlined between Sections 5.1(b) and 5.1(e) of the presented agenda report.  In so doing, the Panel requests that this Action Plan be presented to its next meeting on 1 November 2018.’


In discussion, Members considered this alternative wording to be more reflective of the general view of the Panel and, when put to the vote, it was declared CARRIED.

It was then:




That the Panel notes with concern the results from the Council’s recent Customer Satisfaction Survey and requests the production of a comprehensive Action Plan that will include the measures outlined between Sections 5.1(b) and 5.1(e) of the presented agenda report.  In so doing, the Panel requests that this Action Plan be presented to its next meeting on 1 November 2018.


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