Agenda item

Reports of Other Bodies


a) Overview & Scrutiny Panel – 6 September 2018; and


b) Audit Committee – 6 September 2018





a)     Overview and Scrutiny Panel – 6 September 2018


i)       O&S.33/18: Medium Term Financial Strategy – Presentation


It was noted that the Panel recommendations on the Strategy had already been taken into account during consideration of agenda item (Minute E.30/18 above refers).



ii)     O&S.34/18: Activities to Support Economic Growth


Whilst there was not a specific recommendation to Executive under this item, the Executive noted the views of the Panel that were contained within the published minutes and the Leader made the following statement:


‘In light of the views expressed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel and Audit Committee on the draft Strategy last Thursday, I have consulted with my fellow Executive Members and we have concluded that an amended Strategy should be presented to the Council on 27 September 2018 that proposes the following revisions:-


1.    That the Strategy contain two separate strands to the governance arrangements: one part for ‘Development on Council Owned Land’ and one part for ‘Commercial Property Acquisitions in the South Hams’;

2.    That, for decisions relating to the ‘Development on Council Owned Land’, these become a delegated function of the Executive (assuming that the proposed expenditure complies with the Council approved total borrowing limits);

3.    That, for decisions relating to the ‘Commercial Property Acquisitions in the South Hams’, delegated authority be given to the Head of Paid Service and Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Members of the Executive.  Executive Members will be given two clear working days to respond to a request and, in the event of three or more Executive Members expressing their opposition to the proposal, then the matter will proceed no further;

4.    That, for decisions made to proceed on ‘Commercial Property Acquisitions in the South Hams’, a report will be presented (for noting purposes) to the next meeting of the Executive;

5.    That, whilst a minimum net yield return of 2% is targeted, in some circumstances, e.g. where community benefits are likely to be achieved, a lower return may be acceptable;

6.    That, based upon the specific governance concerns raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting, the Investments Member Working Group be disbanded with immediate effect.


In line with the views of the Audit Committee and, with these governance arrangements being put in place, I will also be proposing that the Council report includes a recommendation for the total borrowing limit for the Strategy to be set at £60 million (to be capped at £30 million before 30 April 2019).’


It was then:




That a report be presented to the meeting of Council on 27 September 2018 setting out a revised Commercial Property Acquisitions and Development Strategy.



iii)    O&S.35/18: Next Steps – Enabling Homes to meet the needs for all


It was then:




That the Executive agree the following principles:


1.     That there is no requirement to form a South Hams District Council Housing Wholly Owned Company at this time;


2.     That Council borrowing in order to acquire or develop affordable homes is acceptable in principle;


3.     That affordable homes may be acquired or developed via the Community Housing Strategy OR through existing work with Registered Providers or Developers.  (NB. these properties will be allocated in accordance with Local Lettings Plans and may be managed via the Council’s Direct Lets Service; and


4.     That the Council’s affordable housing development / acquisition plans be guided as outlined in Section 5 of the presented agenda report.




(a)   Drug and Alcohol Abuse – Interim Report        


It was then:




That the Executive spend £2,500 from the Repairs and Maintenance Earmarked Reserve to pay for the works necessary to design out the use of intravenous drugs in the male toilets at Coronation Road, Totnes.           


(b)   Community Funding


During debate on this item, some Members expressed concern over the reduction in funding to the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).  It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared LOST, that recommendation 2 be deferred to enable further discussions to take place with the AONB team.


It was then:




That the Executive RECOMMEND to Council that:


1.  the proposed funding reduction to the South Hams Community and Voluntary Service be endorsed in accordance with paragraph 5 of the presented agenda report; and

2.  the proposed funding reduction to the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty be endorsed in accordance with paragraph 5 of the presented agenda report.



v)    O&S.42/18: IT PROCUREMENT


The Chairman confirmed that the Panel recommendation would be consideration during agenda item 14 (Minute E.38/18 below refers).




b)     Audit Committee – 6 September 2018




Whilst there were no specific recommendations from the Audit Committee to the Executive, the comments of the Audit Committee on the Commercial Property Strategy as set out in the agenda item ‘Activities to Support Economic Growth’, were noted by the Executive, and taken into account in the way forward proposed above and set out in the response to Minute O&S.34/18.




Supporting documents: