Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2019/20 to 2023/24



Members were presented with a report that set out the Council’s Medium Term Financial Position over a rolling five year timeframe to 2023/24.  The Council, along with other local authorities, had faced unprecedented reductions in Government funding since the Comprehensive Spending Review in 2010.


The Leader introduced the report.  The s151 Officer responded to questions related to the Business Rates Pilot and the Negative Revenue Support Grant, and confirmed that a budget workshop would be taking place on 11 October, 2018.


It wasthen:




That the Executive:


1.     note the forecast budget gap for 2019/20 of £0.638 million and the position for future years;

2.     notes the current options identified and timescales for closing the budget gap in 2019/20 and future years, to achieve long term financial sustainability; and

3.     RECOMMENDS to Council to approve recommendations 1 to 10 as set out in the presented report.


Supporting documents: