Agenda item

Draft Executive Forward Plan

Note: If any Member seeks further clarity, or wishes to raise issues regarding any future Executive agenda item, please contact Member Services before 5.00pm on Monday 25 June 2018 to ensure that the lead Executive Member(s) and lead officer(s) are aware of this request in advance of the meeting.


(NB. the Panel has already requested the following item to be raised at this meeting):


(a) Homelessness Strategy Action Plan 2018/19




The Panel was presented with the most recently published Executive Forward Plan.


In accordance with Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, Panel Members had given the required notice for updates to be considered at this meeting on the following future Executive agenda items: ‘Commercial Investment to Support Economic Activity’ and ‘Homelessness Strategy Action Plan 2018/19’.


(a)  Commercial Investment to Support Economic Activity


A Member made reference to the decision of the Executive in respect of the ‘Council Owned Asset Investment and Development’ agenda item considered on 14 June 2018 (Minute E.08/18 refers).  In particular, the Member highlighted the commitment for prior engagement with relevant Town and Parish Councils and local Ward Member(s) on their aspirations for their communities to have taken place before the Special Council meeting on 26 July 2018.

Having already met with the Leader, the Member found the meeting he had attended to be particularly useful.  However, to maximise the value of the meetings with the Town Councils, the Member asked that consideration be given to disclosing the information that was currently classified as being exempt.


In reply, the Deputy Leader informed that, whilst he was happy for the classification of this information to be given further consideration, it must remain as exempt until Members were advised differently.


For clarification, the Panel was advised that this item on the Executive Forward Plan in fact referred to a report that was being prepared with a recommendation that would seek approval for a Governance Framework that would underpin any future investment decisions.  When asked, the Deputy Leader was content for this matter to be deferred by the Executive to the Panel for further consideration prior to a final decision being taken by the Council.  In light of this information, the Member highlighted a possible freehold opportunity that had just arisen in Totnes and queried whether the feasibility of purchasing this site could be included within the Executive report.


The Deputy Leader replied that initial consideration had been given to this opportunity and it had been concluded that it would not be appropriate for the Council to pursue this opportunity any further at this time.


The Member proceeded to express his deep frustration at this decision seemingly being taken without reference to any written paper or consultation with local Ward Members.  Whilst it was agreed that discussions would be held outside the meeting between the Deputy Leader and the Member, other Panel Members did feel that there was a need for both increased openness and transparency and engagement with local Ward Members in such matters.


(b)   Homelessness Strategy Action Plan 2018/19


The Panel considered a report that sought to recommend approval of the Homelessness Strategy Action Plan for 2018/19.


During discussion, the following points were raised:-


(i)     A number of Members wished to thank the lead officers for their tireless work on the homelessness prevention agenda;


(ii)    The Panel noted that there were two significant actions that had not been achieved in 2017/18 and officers were therefore suggesting that these be rolled over to 2018/19.  These actions were: ‘Vulnerable Customer Charter to be finalised’ and ‘Work with schools to be expanded to include all major secondary schools’ and the Panel requested that these be progressed as soon as was practically possible.  To reinforce the point, a motion to this effect was PROPOSED and SECONDED and on being put to the vote was declared CARRIED;


(iii)   In response to some specific requests and, in some instances, concerns, it was PROPOSED and SECONDED and on being put to the vote was declared CARRIED that:


     ‘All Members be in receipt of updates on the following subject matters:


-        A copy of the Citizens’ Advice Bureau report on the Social Prescribing Pilot;

-        The membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board; and

-        A Briefing Note on those properties that we own within the South Hams that are currently leased to South Devon Rural Housing Association.’


(iv)   In light of recent media coverage over the rising numbers of elderly residents who were being made homeless, a Member questioned the extent of the issue in the South Hams.  Officers replied by stating that elderly housing provision in the South Hams was comparatively healthy and they would provide Members with the latest set of figures for the South Hams, in comparison to national trends, outside of this meeting;


(v)    Whilst some concerns were expressed over the number of nights that were being spent in temporary Bed and Breakfast accommodation, it was acknowledged that some nights were unfortunately unavoidable.  However, officers did confirm that the Council had never exceeded the maximum six week period for families to be residing in Bed and Breakfast accommodation;


(vi)   Members were of the view that future Annual reports that were presented to the Panel should include reference to actual Case Studies.  This suggestion was subsequently PROPOSED and SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared CARRIED;


(vii)  To increase awareness amongst the wider membership, Members PROPOSED and SECONDED that an interactive Briefing Session on the Homelessness agenda be convened in the upcoming months.  When put to the vote, this proposal was also declared CARRIED;


(viii)A Member sought an update on the action whereby the Locality Team be trained to support vulnerable customers with accessing housing options, housing benefits, universal credit and the housing register.  In response, the Panel was advised that the training had been completed and some early successes had already been realised;


(ix)   The Panel welcomed the 2017/18 achievement whereby there had been a 50% success rate on securing long-term housing for rough sleepers across the South Hams following the severe weather interventions during the recent winter months.  As a further point, officers confirmed that they did not currently undertake outreach work on skin protection (e.g. provision of sun cream in very hot weather) and it was agreed that this would be raised with the local GP surgery to ascertain whether there was any such existing provision.


            It was then:




1.      That the Executive be RECOMMENDED to adopt the Homelessness Strategy Action Plan for 2018/19 (as outlined at Appendix 2 of the presented agenda report) with immediate effect;


2.      That those actions that were identified as being incomplete and therefore rolled over to the 2018/19 Action Plan (namely: ‘Vulnerable Customer Charter to be finalised’ and ‘Work with schools to be expanded to include all major secondary schools’) be progressed as soon as practically possible;


3.      That all Members be in receipt of updates on the following subject matters:


a.      A copy of the Citizens’ Advice Bureau report on the Social Prescribing pilot;

b.      The membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board; and

c.      A Briefing Note on those properties that we own within the South Hams that are currently leased to South Devon Rural Housing Association;


4.      An interactive Member Briefing Session on the Homelessness agenda be convened in the upcoming months; and


5.      That future Annual reports include reference to actual Case Studies.



Supporting documents: