Agenda item

Update on the Urban Fringe Delivery Team and Sherford Strategic Review



A report was presented that provided an update on both the Urban Fringe Delivery Team and the Sherford Strategic Review.


Alongside this report, the Urban Fringe Delivery Team Leader conducted a Presentation and, by way of a progress update on Sherford, Members particularly noted that:-


-        240 dwellings had been constructed;

-        The foundations for a further 200 dwellings had been established;

-        148 dwellings were occupied; and

-        The first Primary School was currently under construction and it was intended to be officially opened in time for the September 2018 term.

Upon the conclusion of the presentation, it was agreed that copies would be circulated to all Members.


In the ensuing discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)   the current Sherford Road closure.  In light of the temporary closure, some Members highlighted the impact that this was having and the roads from Brixton to the A38 were frequently gridlocked.  In light of the impact, these Members asked that all measures be taken to ensure that the five weeks that had been scheduled for this temporary closure be adhered to.  In reply, the Head of Paid Service informed that the Sherford Project Board was scheduled to meet on 9 May 2018 and she would emphasise the importance of this point at this meeting and provide an update to Members accordingly;


(b)   the Members Steering Board.  Members expressed some confusion over the status of the Steering Board (as referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the presented agenda report), the Joint Steering Group and the Sherford Project Board.  As a consequence, the Panel requested that these matters be clarified in time for the Annual Council meeting on 17 May 2018;


(c)    the first Primary School.  It was confirmed that, whilst further details would emerge in due course, 24 children had been enrolled to start at the School in September 2018 and some staff members had already been recruited;


(d)   the Transport Specialist role vacancy.  Whilst interim measures had been in place to cover aspects of this role, officers advised that it was intended to start the formal recruitment process to fill this vacancy in the upcoming weeks;


(e)   skills shortages in the construction industry.  In recognising that these skills shortages were a national trend, the Panel was informed that an onsite Skills Centre had recently opened and, whilst still very much in its infancy, it was already attracting some levels of interest;


(f)     the role of Devon Wildlife Trust.  In reply to concerns that had recently been raised by the Trust, officers countered that the organisation had been consulted as part of the Section 73 planning application process.  However, the Council had not received any response from the Trust during this process;


(g)   park and community space.  Officers agreed to provide interested Members with a plan that outlined where the onsite park and community space would be located. 


It was then:




1.     That the set up and function of the new Urban Fringe Delivery Team be noted and supported;


2.     That officers clarify the status of the ‘Members Steering Board’; the ‘Joint Steering Group’ and the ‘Sherford Project Board’ in time for the Annual Council meeting to be held on 17 May 2018; and

3.    That the latest update on the Sherford Strategic Review be welcomed.


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