Agenda item

Planning Applications & Enforcement Reports

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:




*P&L 55         

The Committee considered the applications prepared by the Development Management Specialists and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports and summarised below, and RESOLVED:


(a)     Application No:  2686/16/FUL        Ward: Tavistock North


Site Address: Land adjacent to Fernside, Crease Lane, Tavistock, PL19 8EW


Residential development for 4No. detached dwellings with integral garages, external parking and new access off Crease Lane.


Speakers included:  Objector – Mrs Peta Rowley:  Supporter – Ms Lucy Caldwell:  Ward Member – Cllr Jory


RECOMMENDATION:            Conditional Approval delegated to the COP Lead Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of P&L Committee subject to completion of s106 Agreement


The Ward Member thanked Members for the site visit and highlighted the concerns of residents which included access to and from the site.  It was also noted that the proposal was outside the development boundary.  In discussing the application, a number of Members accepted that the application was finely balanced, but they were concerned about the highways issues.  Whilst the Highways Officer had stated that there was a safe route through Uplands, Members felt that the natural access route was along Crease Lane, a narrow single lane road without pavements, and the junction of Crease Lane and the A386 was not suitable. 


Members accepted the social gain of the application, and noted the economic benefit, albeit slight.  However, there were also concerns in respect of the impact of the proposal on the environment.  Another Member appreciated the work undertaken by the applicant in respect of design, but felt the location and lack of pedestrian access weighed heavily in an otherwise balanced decision.


The proposal to conditionally approve the application was PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote, unanimously declared LOST. 


It was then PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote unanimously declared CARRIED, that the application be refused for the following reasons:


The site location and poor quality of pedestrian access will lead to reliance on use of the private car.  The proposal is therefore not sustainable and contrary to SP1 of the Core Strategy and para 7 – 9 of the NPPF.  The proposal will result in a detrimental visual impact on the character and appearance of the area.





(b)     Application No:  2323/16/OPA        Ward: Tamarside


Site Address: Land south of North Road, Lifton


Outline application (with some matters reserved) for residential development (Class C3) of up to 20 dwellings with vehicular and pedestrian access to North Road, car parking, associated landscaping and infrastructure, public open space and Accessible Natural Greenspace – External access not reserved.


Speakers included:  Supporter – Mr Aaron Smith:  Parish Council – Cllr Brian Moore:  Ward Member – Cllr C Edmonds


RECOMMENDATION:            That delegated authority be given to the COP Lead DM in consultation with the Committee Chairman to grant conditional planning permission subject to the signing of a Section 106 Agreement.


Members asked a number of detailed questions on this application, particularly around pedestrian access and to help them understand the flooding issues and the measures being proposed that would ensure the current drainage matters were not worsened.


The Ward Member advised the Committee that residents had a number of concerns and he outlined them in detail.  They included the risk of visual coalescence between the two areas of Lifton and Tinhay; the safety of the pedestrian access, in particular to the school; traffic flows along North Road; development outside the boundary, and he quoted from an appeal decision for an application site within the Borough and drew comparisons between that proposal and the application being considered at this meeting; and finally drainage.


During discussion, Members wanted to ensure that liability for maintenance of the Accessible Natural Greenspace would not fall to the Parish Council or to residents at a later date. The affordable housing provision was welcomed by Members, however they acknowledged the parish council view that other sites within the village would be more appropriate.   There were a number of concerns raised in respect of the safety of the pedestrian access into the village.


The proposal to approve the application was PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared LOST. 


It was then PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared CARRIED, that the application be refused for the following reasons:


1.       The proposed development will extend the built up area of Lifton into an important green space that currently acts as a visual break, separating the villages of Lifton and Tinhay.  The development will lead to visual coalescence of the villages of Lifton and Tinhay which will adversely impact on their rural character and individual identity, contrary to policies SP17, SP18, SP20 and SP24 of the West Devon Borough Council Local Development Framework and The National Planning Policy Framework, 2012, in particular paragraphs 58, 126 and 131.


2.       The lack of a continuous pavement from the application site to the centre of the village at New Road will result in unsafe pedestrian access to local services for users of the development which will encourage use of the private car; as such the development is unsustainable.  The development is contrary to policies T2 and SP14 of the West Devon Borough Council Local Development Framework and The National Planning Policy Framework, 2012, in particular paragraphs, 14, 17, 32, 35 and 69.





Supporting documents: