Agenda and minutes

South Hams Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 21st April, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Cary Room - Follaton House. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 16 KB

to approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the Panel held on 7 April 2016;




The minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel held on 7 April 2016 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Chairman proceeded to make reference to the exempt appendix that outlined a summary of the ‘Cumulative Impact of Proposed Income and Efficiency Proposals on the Forecast Budget Gap to 2021’ that had been considered by the Panel at its last meeting on 7 April 2016 (Minute O&S.100/15 refers).


Following some Member requests, a revised version of this appendix had since been produced by officers.  This revised version attempted to clear any confusion around the cumulative effect of the budget gaps / surpluses and the effect that recurrent income would have on these.  The Chairman informed that, whilst the numbers (and end result) remain unaffected, officers would be sending this revised version to all Members for their information and reference.








Urgent Business

brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman;




The Chairman advised that he had one urgent item that he wished to raise at this meeting.  This item related to an Update on the Leisure Procurement Exercise and was considered urgent in light of the time constraints associated with this matter.  As an exempt item, the Chairman stated that this matter would be considered at the end of the agenda (Minute O&S.110/15 below refers).



Declarations of Interest

Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;




Members and officers were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of the meeting.  These were recorded as follows:-


Cllr P C Smerdon declared a personal interest in Item 8: ‘South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group’ (Minute O&S.106/15 below refers) by virtue of being a trustee of South Hams Community and Voluntary Service and remained in the meeting and took part in the debate thereon.


Cllrs D Horsburgh and P C Smerdon both declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the urgent item: ‘Update on the Leisure Procurement Exercise’ (Minute O&S.110/15 below refers).  Cllr Horsburgh declared his interest by virtue of being a Totnes Town Council representatives on the Totnes and District Swimming Pool Association Outside Body.  Cllr Smerdon declared his interest by virtue of being a South Hams District Council representative on the Outside Body.  Both Members proceeded to leave the meeting during consideration of this matter.





Public Forum pdf icon PDF 5 KB

A period of up to 15 minutes is available to deal with issues raised by the public;




In accordance with the Public Forum Procedure Rules, no items were raised at this meeting.





Latest Published Executive Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Note: If any Member seeks further clarity, or wishes to raise issues regarding any future Executive agenda item on the published Forward Plan, please contact Member Services before 5.00pm on Monday, 18 April 2016 to ensure that the lead Executive Member(s) and lead officer(s) are aware of this request in advance of the meeting;







The Panel was presented with the most recently published Executive Forward Plan.  In so doing, Members acknowledged and noted the contents of the latest Plan.



South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group

Jenny Turner, Locality Commissioning Manager to attend;




The Chairman introduced and welcomed Jenny Turner (Locality Commissioning Manager, South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)) to the meeting.


Following the introductions, the CCG representative was invited to conduct a presentation to the Panel entitled: ‘Community Services into the Future Option Development South Hams.’


In so doing, the presentation made reference to next steps and informed that:-


-       the final stakeholder engagement meetings were taking place between 11 March 2016 and 20 April 2016, with this meeting being one of the final such events;

-       subsequent briefings to all stakeholders would be held between 15 and 28 April 2016;

-       a CCG Governing Body meeting was to be held on 28 April 2016;

-       the consultation material was to be developed between 4 and 29 April 2016; and

-       the consultation process was likely to take place between 14 May and 5 August 2016 (assuming approval by the Governing Body and NHS England)

In the ensuing discussion, particular reference was made to:-


(a)  the announcement earlier that day from central government regarding the additional £2.4 billion funding for GP services in England.  Since it was likely that these monies would be ringfenced for GP services, the representative advised that it was highly unlikely that this announcement would relieve the budgetary pressures facing CCGs;


(b)  the relationship between the CCG and South Hams Community and Voluntary Service (CVS).  When questioned, the representative confirmed that the newly proposed model of care most definitely envisaged a role for the South Hams CVS.  Furthermore, the model also recognised the importance of stakeholders working more closely in partnership and, in particular, the importance of working together to achieve joint outcomes and the public health role to be played by the Council.  Some Members expressed the view that there could be a role to play for the Council’s Locality Officers in this regard;


(c)  the minimum bed number of 16.  A Member noted the statement whereby no hospital could be effectively run with less than 16 beds and felt that this was incredibly inflexible.  In reply, the representative advised that this was consistent with central government guidance.  Whilst acknowledging that the proposal included closing Ashburton hospital and therefore reducing 10 beds, the Panel was informed that this was in part countered by the increase in beds at Newton Abbot hospital from 20 to 45;


(d)  focusing upon outcome based services.  The representative confirmed that it was the ultimate aim of the CCG to ensure that the care needs of residents were still met despite there being a reduction in budget funding;


(e)  future population growth figures.  A Member highlighted the massive build programme (and subsequent population growth) and queried whether this had been factored in to the model.  In response, the representative confirmed that future population and age demographic statistics had been borne in mind.  In terms of the trend whereby a vast number of individuals opt to move to the South Hams area to retire, a Member stressed that this was  ...  view the full minutes text for item O&S106/15


Actions Arising/Decisions Log pdf icon PDF 62 KB




The Panel noted the latest log and requested that future versions include an additional column under the heading of ‘Target Date for Completion.’




Draft Annual Work Programme 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 5 KB

to consider items for programming on to the annual work programme of the Panel, whilst having regard to the resources available, time constraints of Members and the interests of the local community




                        Whilst the 2016/17 Calendar of Meetings was still to be formally approved, the following additions were made to the Panel’s future work programme:


-       the outcome report of the Partnership Task and Finish Group would be scheduled for the Panel meeting held during August 2016;

-       the Development Management Service peer challenge outcome report and action plan.  Whilst recognising that the report and action plan required the ultimate approval of full Council and should also be considered by the Development Management Committee, a majority of Members also requested that the Panel had the opportunity to formally consider these items; and

-       the attendance at a future Panel meeting of a representative from the western locality area CCG




Exclusion of Public and Press






That in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Act is involved.





Urgent Item - Leisure Procurement Exercise




The lead Executive Member for Customer First provided the Panel with an update on the latest information in relation to the Leisure Procurement exercise.


In the subsequent discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)  the second phase of dialogue with the bidders.  Members were informed that this phase was due to conclude on 2 May 2016;

(b)  a Member workshop taking place during the middle of July 2016.  It was anticipated that the successful bidder would attend a Member workshop to present their proposals to Members before the matter was then considered at a Special Council meeting towards the end of July 2016;

(c)  the lack of consultation to date with local ward Members.  A number of Members stated their disquiet that the previously agreed commitment to keep local Members informed and engaged had not been adhered to.  In response, the lead Executive Member acknowledged these concerns and, in apologising, gave an assurance that local Members would be kept informed and engaged in the process from now on.