Agenda and minutes

South Hams Development Management Committee - Wednesday, 6th July, 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Follaton House. View directions

Contact: Kathy Trant Senior Case Manager 01803 861185 

No. Item


Appointment of Vice-Chairman



As the Vice Chairman had given his apologies, it was necessary to appoint a Vice Chairman for the duration of this meeting. 


It was therefore PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared CARRIED that Cllr Kathy Cuthbert be Vice Chairman for the duration of this meeting.





John Squire



Since this was the first Committee meeting since John Squire (previously District Councillor for Brixton and Wembury ward and Member of Development Management Committee) sadly passed away, the Chairman paid tribute to him.


As a mark of respect, the Committee then proceeded to stand and observe a moment’s reflection.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 8 June 2016;





The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 6 June 2016 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the clarification of condition 4 of Approval 14/1785/15/F Erection of detached dwelling and associated parking within the garden – Deepdene, Cott Lane, Dartington to include ‘to mitigate the impact on bats’. 





Declarations of Interest

Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;





Members and officers were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered and the following were made:


Cllr B F Cane declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in application 0945/16/FUL:  Provision of dwelling for rural worker/agricultural contractor – Priory Farm, Fancy Cross to Little Orcheton, Modbury, Devon, by virtue of the applicant being employed by him.  He left the room for the duration of this item;


Cllr T R Holway declared a personal interest in application 0890/16/HHO: Householder application for a first floor extension to comprise of master bedroom and en-suite – 14 Riverside Walk, Yealmpton, Devon by virtue of knowing residents who lived within that road.  He remained in the meeting for the duration of this item and took part in the debate and vote thereon;


Cllrs J Brazil and J A Pearce both declared a personal interest in application 1527/16/FUL: Construction of a new suspended deck structure over the existing slipway, remedial works to the adjacent quayside frontage and car park and removal of a small section of rear wall located in front of the showers.  Use of new decking for Ai (retail), A3 (Restaurants and cafes) and A5 (hot food takeaway) uses – Land adjacent to Whitestrand Car Park, Fore Street, Salcombe, Devon by virtue of being Members of Salcombe Harbour Board.  The matter had not been debated or discussed at a meeting of the Salcombe Harbour Board so no views had been expressed.  They remained in the meeting for the duration of this item and took part in the debate and vote thereon.




Public Participation



The Chairman announced that a list of members of the public who had registered their wish to speak at the meeting had been circulated.




Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 566 KB

Additional documents:



The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:



0945/16/FUL     Priory Farm, Fancy Cross to Little Orcheton, Modbury, Devon


                            Parish: Modbury


Provision of dwelling for rural worker/agricultural contractor


Case Officer Update:  N/A


Speakers included:  Objector – Mr Simon Curran; Supporter – Mrs Amanda Burden; Ward Member – Cllr Ward


Recommendation:  Refusal


The Ward Member made reference to the bus stop at the end of the lane. 


During the debate on this item, other Members noted the issue of sustainability.  The lane was a Public Right of Way and it was less than one mile to Modbury.  The applicant was providing a service and as an agricultural contractor he was less likely to have livestock but did need space for machinery and there was an issue with needing to be on site for security of his equipment.  There was a dwelling on site that had an agricultural tie.  On balance, Members felt that the business justified a second dwelling.


Not all Members agreed that the location was sustainable, however weight was given to the views of the Parish Council who supported the application.

Some Members felt that approval of the application was against policy and there was no justification for doing so.  Members had a detailed debate on hours of work and traffic movements arising from this operation.



Committee Decision:  Conditional Approval



1.                         Time limit

2.                         Accord with plans

3.                         Landscape scheme

4.                         Removal of Permitted Development rights

5.                         Agricultural/Agricultural contracting tie





Notwithstanding the comments of the agricultural consultant, the Committee felt that there was a justified need for the proposed dwelling.



0699/16/FUL     Whitegates, Parsonage Road, Newton Ferrers, PL8 1AS


                            Parish: Newton Ferrers


Demolition of a single family dwelling and the erection of one detached single family dwelling and two semi-detached single family dwellings


Case Officer Update:  Case Officer verbally updated Members that the agent had advised that the rear parking area was to be gated and used only by residents of plot 3.  And that affordable housing contributions were no longer sought for developments of this size.


Speakers included:  Objector – Mr Carl Scott; Supporter – Mr Barrie Hallett; Parish Council Representative – statement provided:  Ward Members – Cllr Baldry (and a statement was read on behalf of Cllr Blackler)


Recommendation:  Refusal


Committee Decision:  Refusal


1307/16/FUL     The Rough, Devon Road, Salcombe


Parish: Salcombe


Erection of detached dwelling and associated parking within the garden


Case Officer Update:


Environmental Health had no objection and recommended an unsuspected contamination condition.  Errors in the report were corrected as follows:

·                         In section design/landscape – sixth paragraph – tallest part of building on NE elevation is 2m forward of front building line of neighbour Burberry and the lift shaft projects a further 2m forward

·                         In section on overbearance – 1st paragraph – will project 4m  ...  view the full minutes text for item DM.12/16


Planning Appeals Update pdf icon PDF 18 KB



Members noted the list of appeals as outlined in the presented agenda report and the COP Lead Development Management responded to questions and provided more detail where requested.